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File Transfer Protocol Using MPLAB Harmony v3 TCP/IP Stack for SAM E54 MCU

The File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is a standard internet protocol provided by TCP/IP for transmitting files from one device to another. It is an application layer protocol within the TCP/IP stack layers. An embedded FTP client/server is an excellent addition to any network-enabled device. The FTP client module will enable your application to upload and download files from any FTP server. This protocol enables data transfer reliably and efficiently between different devices without worrying about the file storage systems of a Host.

This document focuses on the FTP implementation of the MPLAB Harmony v3 TCP/IP stack. It also provides a combined FTP client and FTP server demonstration using the SAM E54 microcontroller. The FTP client application has an Ethernet bootloader that downloads the application binary from the FTP server and updates the firmware by self-programming.

For more information refer the links below.


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