Creating a New TrustZone Project
To create a new TrustZone project, in MPLAB® X IDE, Select File > New Project or click . The New Project wizard will open. Perform following steps:
- Open the MPLAB® X IDE.
- Create a New Project by clicking the New Project icon
or by selecting File > New Project.
- In the New Project window select Application Project(s).
Click Next.
- If the option 32-Bit MPLAB Harmony v3 Project is not available, install the MPLAB® Harmony 3 Launcher plug-in from Tools > Plugins > Available Plugins before continuing with this demonstration.
If the Harmony Content Path and Repository is not set, then go to Tools > Options, select Pugins and select the Harmony Repository and enter the your Harmony Content Path as shown in the below figure to download the Harmony packages.
In the Select Device dialog window, select the target Device ATSAML11E16A from the drop-down menu as shown below and Click Next.
In the Select Compiler dialog window, select the latest or needed Compiler as follows:
- Click Next.
- In the Select Project Name and Folder dialog window, fill in or select the information needed as follows:
- Project Name: Project naame i.e. “sam_l11_xpro”
- Project Location: Select or Enter the Project Location of your choice.
- For Example: sam_l11 and the Project Location is:
- Note:
- Kindly suffix the firmware folder name after the Project folder “sam_l11”.
- For Example: sam_l11 and the Project Location is:
- Project Folder: This is a read-only field, MCC automatically creates a Secure and Non-Secure project folder as shown below.
- Secure Project:
- Secure project .X folder can be fount at:
- Secure project .X folder can be fount at:
- Non-Secure Project:
- Non-Secure project .X folder can be fount at:
- Non-Secure project .X folder can be fount at:
- Note:
- The project group is created in the Non-Secure project path i.e.,
- Secure Project:
- Click Finish.
- Download the Required Mandatory Harmony Content if not downloaded.
The below MCC Content Manager window will open if the Mandatory Harmony Contents are not present in the Harmony Content Path mentioned in the Step 4.
- Click on the Finish Button in the MCC Content Manager Wizard to start downloading the Mandatory Harmony Content.
- Note:
- For this demonstration application, the following MPLAB Harmony v3 packages are required: csp, harmony-services, CMSIS, and quick_docs. The MPLAB Harmony 3 Content Manager tool simplifies the downloading of the MPLAB Harmony v3 packages. If these packages are not downloaded, then the user can use the MPLAB Harmony 3 Content Manager tool to download them onto their computer.
If you need you can select the optional contents like bsp, core, CMSIS-FreeRTOS, etc and click apply, then Content Manager will start downloading these selected packages under the Harmony Content path.
Similarly, update the MCC Core Versions to the latest if not already updated.
The MCC plug-in will open inside MPLAB® X window
- TrustZone Project uses two projects viz., Secure and Non-Secure Project that work together on the same MCU and offering security isolation between the Trusted and the Non-trusted resources in the device.
- Secure Project:
- Secure project must be selected as Main Project to launch MCC.
- Once the Harmony code is generated, Secure user application should be developed in secure “main.c”.
- “nonsecure_entry.c” and “nonsecure_entry.h” files should be used for the Non-secure to Secure function calls.
- Secure project is a loadable project from the Non-secure project. When Secure Project builds it generates Secure Gateway (SG) library ([configuration name]_Secure_sg_veneer.lib) which will be used by the Non-secure project while building the Non-secure project.
- Non-secure Project:
- Once the Harmony code is generated, Non-secure user application should be developed in Non-secure “main.c”.
- When Non-secure Project builds, it first builds Secure Project and then Non-secure project and generates target binaries to be executed on the device.
Running TrustZone Project
Following steps need to be done to run TrustZone project:
In MPLAB® X Non-secure Project properties, appropriate compiler, hardware tools and DFP should be selected as shown in the figure below.
Select Non-secure Project as Main Project, Non-secure Project can be then build and programmed using MPLAB® X “Make and Program Device Main Project” option.
This page has been verified with the following versions of software tools:
- MPLAB X IDE v6.20
- MPLAB XC32 Compiler v4.40
- MPLAB Code Configurator Plugin v5.5.1
- MPLAB Harmony v3 “csp” repo v3.18.5
Because Microchip regularly update tools, occasionally there could be minor differences with the newer versions of the tools.
- SAML11 Xplained Pro Evaluation Kit User Guide and Datasheet
- Creating the First Application on PIC32CM LSx Microcontrollers Using MPLAB Harmony v3 with MPLAB Code Configurator (MCC)
- Dual Developer Application Development Use Case with TrustZone on SAM L11 Using MPLAB Harmony v3
- Arm® TrustZone® Getting Started Application on SAM L11 MCUs
- How to Set up the Tools Required to Get Started with MPLAB® Harmony v3 and MCC
- MPLAB Harmony 3 Content Manager