Harmonics Registers

The harmonics registers can be read by means of the “HAR” command. The metrology library must be configured through the control registers to enable the harmonics computation and to select the harmonic number to be processed (check the Microchip “PIC32CXMTx Metrology Data Sheet” and the Microchip “PIC32CXMTx Metrology User Guide”). Examples:

; Read all the harmonics registers
00 I_A_m_R         01 V_A_m_R         02 I_B_m_R         03 V_B_m_R
FFFFFFB8           FFFFFD68           FFFFFFAC           FFFFF9D5
04 I_C_m_R         05 V_C_m_R         06 I_A_m_I         07 V_A_m_I
5                  FFFFFCA2           7D                 872
08 I_B_m_I         09 V_B_m_I         10 I_C_m_I         11 V_C_m_I
6C                 9C7                FFFFFFB6           479