Energy Commands

The “ENC” command (protected with password) erases all the energy records stored in non-volatile memory (the Demo Meter application stores 1 year of energy data).

The “ENR” command reads the energy records stored in the non-volatile memory. If the command is sent without parameter, the application returns the energy data for the last year, ordered by months. If the command includes a parameter, the application returns the energy data of the month index corresponding with the parameter (‘0’ means the present month, ‘1’ the previous month, … , ‘7’ seven months ago, etc.)

See TOU and Energy Registering for additional information.

; Read previous month energy
Last 1 Month Energy is :
TT=317.02kWh T1=32.16kWh T2=85.23kWh T3=121.04kWh T4=78.59kWh
; Clear all the energy records
Clear Energy is ok !