Commands List

Some commands include indexes or passwords and parameters. Indexes or passwords are sent enclosed with “[]”and are coded in decimal, if numbers. Parameters are enclosed with “()” and the codification depends on the command. The default password is “PIC” but can be changed modifying the application source code. Examples:

  • Example 1: DCW [10] (100000) writes 0x100000 in the control register with index equal to 10
  • Example 2: IDW [PIC] (12345Q) sets the Meter Identifier to 12345Q

If the command is not properly received, decoded or processed by the application, the console will return an error message, like “Unsupported Command”, “Password Error”, ...

These are the supported commands:

Table 1-6. Table 2-1. Meter Demo Commands
CMD Funtion Example Type Frame
DCR Read DSP_CONTROL registers Read DSP_CONTROL P_K_t register Frame sent DCR [09]

09 P_K_T


Note This command can be sent without index. In this case, all the control registers values will be displayed
DCW Write DSP_CONTROL register Write DSP_CONTROL P_K_t register sent Frame sent DCW [09] (A00000)
Answer set is Ok
DCM Write DSP_CONTROL, several registers Write DSP_CONTROL registers 38 to 41 Frame sent DCM(38:7B6310; 39:0; 40:51B7E89; 41:4A9D4CA)
Answer Set is Ok
DSR Read DSP_ST register Read DSP_ST STATE_FLAG register Frame sent DSR [02]



Note This command can be sent without index. In this case, all the status registers values will be displayed
DAR Read DSP_ACC register Read DSP_ACC I_A register Frame sent DAR [00]

00 I_A


Note This command can be sent without index. In this case, all the accumulator registers values will be displayed
HAR Read harmonic register Read third harmonic register Frame sent HAR [03]

03 I_B_R


Note This command can be sent without index. In this case, all the accumulator registers values will be displayed
HRR Read harmonic Irms/Vrms Read third harmonic Irms/Vrms Frame sent HRR [03]

The calculated harmonic Irms/Vrms:

Irms_Har_A(A) Irms_Har_B(A) Irms_Har(A)

0.057A 0.029A 0.028A

Vrms_Har_A(V) Vrms_Har_B(V) Vrms_Har(V)

2.552V 1.262V 1.298V
IDR Read meter id Frame sent IDR

Meter ID is:


IDW Write meter id (id length limited to 6 characters) Frame sent IDW[PIC](PI3456)
Answer Set Meter ID is Ok !
RST System reset Frame sent RST[PIC]
Answer Reset Command is Ok !
RLD Reload Core 1 metrology library Frame sent RLD[PIC]
Answer Reloaded core-1 image! Metrology lib reloaded!
DCB Go to low power mode Frame sent DCB
RTCW Write meter RTC Write RTC 20-10-19 01 09:59:00 Frame sent RTCW[PIC](20-10-19 01 09:59:00)
Answer Set RTC is OK
RTCR Read meter RTC Frame sent RTCR

Present RTC (yy-mm-dd w hh:mm:ss):

20-07-07 2 12:44:54

TOUW Write meter TOU Write TOU=8:30 T2 10:30 T3 18:30 T1 22:00 T4 Frame sent TOUW [PIC] (08:30 02 10:30 03 18:30 01 22:00 04)
Answer Set TOU is OK
TOUR Read meter TOU Frame sent TOUR

TOU table is:

TOU1=08:30 T2 TOU2=10:30 T3 TOU3=18:30 T1 TOU4=22:00 T4

ENR Read energy Read current month energy Frame sent ENR [0]

Last 0 Month Energy is:






ENC Clear all energy Frame sent ENC [PIC]
Answer Clear energy is OK!
EVER Read single event record Read last 2 times Ub sag event Frame sent EVER[Ua][2]

Last 2 times Ub Sag is:

Total Num=0003 start time is 10-08 12:25

End time is 10-08 16:23

EVEC Clear all event record Frame sent EVEC [PIC]
Answer Clear All Event is ok
MDR Read maxim demand Read previous 1 month maxim demand and happen time Frame sent MDR [1]

Last 1 Month MaxDemand is:

TT=26.325kW 8-4 18:45

T1=26.325kW 8-2 18:45

T2=12.350kW 8-9 14:30

T3= 8.627kW 8-6 11:15

T4= 9.483kW 8-18 23:15

MDC Clear all maxim demand and happen time Frame sent MDC [PIC]
Answer Clear MaxDemand is ok
PAR Read measure parameter Read voltage Frame sent PAR [U]

Present voltage is:

Ua=221.317V Ub=223.213V Uc=219.248V

Read current Frame sent PAR [I]

Present current is:

Ia=4.0114A Ib=5.0125A Ic=4.5844A Ini=0.8289A Inm=0.9491A Inmi=0.1202A

Read active power Frame sent PAR [P]

Present active power is:

Pt= 750.1W Pa= 250.2W Pb= 250.8W Pc= 249.1W

Read reactive power Frame sent PAR [Q]

Present reactive power is:

Qt= 360.6Var Qa=120.2Var Qb=120.3 Var Qc=120.1Var

Read apparent power Frame sent PAR [S]

Present apparent power is:

St=900.8VA Sa=300.1VA Sb=300.5VA Sc=300.2VA

Read frequency Frame sent PAR [F]

Present frequency is:


Read angle Frame sent PAR [A]

Voltage and current angle is :

Angle_A= 4.704 Angle_B= 160.699 Angle_C= 0.000

DCD Load default metrology control register values Frame sent DCD
Answer Load Default Is Ok !
DCS Save metrology constants to non-volatile memory Frame sent DCS
Answer Save Data Is Ok !
CAL Automatic calibration Single phase example Frame sent CAL A (Ua=220.01,Ia=4.999,Aa=59.99)

It is calibrating...

Calibrating Done!

Poly phase example Frame sent CAL T (Ua=220.01,Ia=4.999,Aa=59.99, Ub=220.01,Ib=4.999,Ab=59.99,Uc=220.01, Ic=4.999, Ac=59.99)

It is calibrating...

Calibrating Done!

CNF Automatic configuration Current Transformer example Frame sent CNF(MC=800,ST=0,F=50.00, G=1,Tr=1000,Rl=3.24,Ku=1651)
Answer Configure Meter is ok!
Shunt resistor example Frame sent CNF(MC=800,ST=1,F=50.00, G=8,Tr=1000,Rl=150,Ku=1651)
Answer Configure Meter is ok!
Rogowski Coil example Frame sent CNF(MC=800,ST=2,F=50.00,G=4, Tr=416.667,Rl=3.24,Ku=1651)
Answer Configure Meter is ok!
BUF Read waveform capture data (if a parameter is used, only a 512 samples sector is returned) Frame sent BUF

Waveform Capture Data...

