typedef enum { /* RF device identifier. 16 bits */ MAC_WRP_RF_PHY_PARAM_DEVICE_ID = 0x0000, /* RF PHY layer firmware version number. 6 bytes (see "DRV_RF215_FW_VERSION") */ MAC_WRP_RF_PHY_PARAM_FW_VERSION = 0x0001, /* RF device reset (write-only) */ MAC_WRP_RF_PHY_PARAM_DEVICE_RESET = 0x0002, /* RF transceiver (RF09 or RF24) reset (write-only) */ MAC_WRP_RF_PHY_PARAM_TRX_RESET = 0x0080, /* RF transceiver (RF09 or RF24) sleep (write-only) */ MAC_WRP_RF_PHY_PARAM_TRX_SLEEP = 0x0081, /* RF PHY configuration (see "DRV_RF215_PHY_CFG_OBJ") */ MAC_WRP_RF_PHY_PARAM_PHY_CONFIG = 0x0100, /* RF PHY band and operating mode. 16 bits (see "DRV_RF215_PHY_BAND_OPM") */ MAC_WRP_RF_PHY_PARAM_PHY_BAND_OPERATING_MODE = 0x0101, /* RF channel number used for transmission and reception. 16 bits */ MAC_WRP_RF_PHY_PARAM_PHY_CHANNEL_NUM = 0x0120, /* RF frequency in Hz used for transmission and reception. 32 bits (read-only) */ MAC_WRP_RF_PHY_PARAM_PHY_CHANNEL_FREQ_HZ = 0x0121, /* Duration in us of Energy Detection for CCA. 16 bits */ MAC_WRP_RF_PHY_PARAM_PHY_CCA_ED_DURATION_US = 0x0141, /* Threshold in dBm for CCA with Energy Detection. 16 bits */ MAC_WRP_RF_PHY_PARAM_PHY_CCA_ED_THRESHOLD_DBM = 0x0142, /* Duration in symbols of Energy Detection for CCA. 8 bits */ MAC_WRP_RF_PHY_PARAM_PHY_CCA_ED_DURATION_SYMBOLS = 0x0143, /* Threshold in dB above sensitivity for CCA with Energy Detection. 8 bits */ MAC_WRP_RF_PHY_PARAM_PHY_CCA_ED_THRESHOLD_SENSITIVITY = 0x0144, /* Sensitivity in dBm (according to 802.15.4). 8 bits */ MAC_WRP_RF_PHY_PARAM_PHY_SENSITIVITY = 0x0150, /* Maximum TX power in dBm. 8 bits */ MAC_WRP_RF_PHY_PARAM_PHY_MAX_TX_POWER = 0x0151, /* Turnaround time in us (aTurnaroundTime in IEEE 802.15.4). 16 bits (read-only) */ MAC_WRP_RF_PHY_PARAM_PHY_TURNAROUND_TIME = 0x0160, /* Number of payload symbols in last transmitted message. 16 bits */ MAC_WRP_RF_PHY_PARAM_PHY_TX_PAY_SYMBOLS = 0x0180, /* Number of payload symbols in last received message. 16 bits */ MAC_WRP_RF_PHY_PARAM_PHY_RX_PAY_SYMBOLS = 0x0181, /* Successfully transmitted messages count. 32 bits */ MAC_WRP_RF_PHY_PARAM_PHY_TX_TOTAL = 0x01A0, /* Successfully transmitted bytes count. 32 bits */ MAC_WRP_RF_PHY_PARAM_PHY_TX_TOTAL_BYTES = 0x01A1, /* Transmission errors count. 32 bits */ MAC_WRP_RF_PHY_PARAM_PHY_TX_ERR_TOTAL = 0x01A2, /* Transmission errors count due to already in transmission. 32 bits */ MAC_WRP_RF_PHY_PARAM_PHY_TX_ERR_BUSY_TX = 0x01A3, /* Transmission errors count due to already in reception. 32 bits */ MAC_WRP_RF_PHY_PARAM_PHY_TX_ERR_BUSY_RX = 0x01A4, /* Transmission errors count due to busy channel. 32 bits */ MAC_WRP_RF_PHY_PARAM_PHY_TX_ERR_BUSY_CHN = 0x01A5, /* Transmission errors count due to bad message length. 32 bits */ MAC_WRP_RF_PHY_PARAM_PHY_TX_ERR_BAD_LEN = 0x01A6, /* Transmission errors count due to bad format. 32 bits */ MAC_WRP_RF_PHY_PARAM_PHY_TX_ERR_BAD_FORMAT = 0x01A7, /* Transmission errors count due to timeout. 32 bits */ MAC_WRP_RF_PHY_PARAM_PHY_TX_ERR_TIMEOUT = 0x01A8, /* Transmission aborted count. 32 bits */ MAC_WRP_RF_PHY_PARAM_PHY_TX_ERR_ABORTED = 0x01A9, /* Transmission confirms not handled by upper layer count. 32 bits */ MAC_WRP_RF_PHY_PARAM_PHY_TX_CFM_NOT_HANDLED = 0x01AA, /* Successfully received messages count. 32 bits */ MAC_WRP_RF_PHY_PARAM_PHY_RX_TOTAL = 0x01B0, /* Successfully received bytes count. 32 bits */ MAC_WRP_RF_PHY_PARAM_PHY_RX_TOTAL_BYTES = 0x01B1, /* Reception errors count. 32 bits */ MAC_WRP_RF_PHY_PARAM_PHY_RX_ERR_TOTAL = 0x01B2, /* Reception false positive count. 32 bits */ MAC_WRP_RF_PHY_PARAM_PHY_RX_ERR_FALSE_POSITIVE = 0x01B3, /* Reception errors count due to bad message length. 32 bits */ MAC_WRP_RF_PHY_PARAM_PHY_RX_ERR_BAD_LEN = 0x01B4, /* Reception errors count due to bad format or bad FCS in header. 32 bits */ MAC_WRP_RF_PHY_PARAM_PHY_RX_ERR_BAD_FORMAT = 0x01B5, /* Reception errors count due to bad FCS in payload. 32 bits */ MAC_WRP_RF_PHY_PARAM_PHY_RX_ERR_BAD_FCS_PAY = 0x01B6, /* Reception aborted count. 32 bits */ MAC_WRP_RF_PHY_PARAM_PHY_RX_ERR_ABORTED = 0x01B7, /* Reception overrided (another message with higher signal level) count. 32 bits */ MAC_WRP_RF_PHY_PARAM_PHY_RX_OVERRIDE = 0x01B8, /* Reception indications not handled by upper layer count. 32 bits */ MAC_WRP_RF_PHY_PARAM_PHY_RX_IND_NOT_HANDLED = 0x01B9, /* Reset Phy Statistics (write-only) */ MAC_WRP_RF_PHY_PARAM_PHY_STATS_RESET = 0x01C0, /* Set Continuous Tx Mode (write-only) */ MAC_WRP_RF_PHY_PARAM_SET_CONTINUOUS_TX_MODE = 0x01C1, /* Backoff period unit in us (aUnitBackoffPeriod in IEEE 802.15.4) used for CSMA-CA . 16 bits (read-only) */ MAC_WRP_RF_PHY_PARAM_MAC_UNIT_BACKOFF_PERIOD = 0x0200, /* SUN FSK FEC enabled or disabled for transmission (phyFskFecEnabled in IEEE 802.15.4). 8 bits */ MAC_WRP_RF_PHY_PARAM_TX_FSK_FEC = 0x8000, /* SUN OFDM MCS (Modulation and coding scheme) used for transmission. 8 bits */ MAC_WRP_RF_PHY_PARAM_TX_OFDM_MCS = 0x8001, } MAC_WRP_PHY_PARAM_RF;
Lists the available PHY RF layer objects accessible through the MAC Information Base (PIB).
Some PHY RF layer objects can be read/written by means of a specific MAC PIB (MAC_WRP_PIB_MANUF_PHY_PARAM_RF). This enum lists the PHY RF layer objects which are accessible through the MAC Information Base API.