typedef struct __attribute__((packed))
    MAC_WRP_SHORT_ADDRESS shortAddress;
    MAC_WRP_TONE_MAP toneMap;
    uint8_t modulationType : 3;
    uint8_t txGain : 4;
    uint8_t txRes : 1;
    MAC_WRP_TX_COEF txCoef;
    uint8_t modulationScheme : 1;
    uint8_t phaseDifferential : 3;
    uint8_t lqi;
    uint16_t tmrValidTime;


The MAC PLC Neighbour Table Entry as defined in the G3-PLC standard.


This structure contains the fields that define a MAC PLC Neighbour table entry as defined in the G3-PLC standard. Neighbour table contains an entry for every node with which we have exchanged a Tone Map Response frame.

Field description:

  • shortAddress. Short Address of neighbour node.

  • toneMap. Tone Map to use when transmitting frames towards neighbour.

  • modulationType. Modulation Type to use when transmitting frames towards neighbour.

  • txGain. Attenuation to use when transmitting frames towards neighbour.

  • txRes. Resolution of attenuation steps.

  • txCoef. Sunbband attenuation to use when transmitting frames towards neighbour .

  • modulationScheme. Modulation Scheme to use when transmitting frames towards neighbour.

  • phaseDifferential. Electrical Phase Differential with neighbour node (0..5 range in 30 degree steps).

  • lqi. Link Quality reported by neighbour when receiving our frames.

  • tmrValidTime. Time left, in seconds, for the entry to expire.


It is only used when PLC MAC layer is present.