typedef struct
    /* Callbacks */
    MAC_WRP_DataConfirm dataConfirmCallback;
    MAC_WRP_DataIndication dataIndicationCallback;
    MAC_WRP_ResetConfirm resetConfirmCallback;
    MAC_WRP_BeaconNotifyIndication beaconNotifyIndicationCallback;
    MAC_WRP_ScanConfirm scanConfirmCallback;
    MAC_WRP_StartConfirm startConfirmCallback;
    MAC_WRP_CommStatusIndication commStatusIndicationCallback;
    MAC_WRP_SnifferIndication snifferIndicationCallback;


Set of Event Handler function pointers to receive events from MAC Wrapper.


Defines the set of callback functions that MAC Wrapper uses to generate events to upper layer.

Field description:

  • dataConfirmCallback. Pointer to function to be called when a Data Transmission is finished on MAC Wrapper. See MAC_WRP_DataConfirm.

  • dataIndicationCallback. Pointer to function to be called when a Data frame is received by MAC Wrapper. See MAC_WRP_DataIndication.

  • resetConfirmCallback. Pointer to function to be called when a Reset is finished on MAC Wrapper. See MAC_WRP_ResetConfirm.

  • beaconNotifyIndicationCallback. Pointer to function to be called when a Beacon frame is received by MAC Wrapper. See MAC_WRP_BeaconNotifyIndication.

  • scanConfirmCallback. Pointer to function to be called when a Scan process is finished on MAC Wrapper. See MAC_WRP_ScanConfirm.

  • startConfirmCallback. Pointer to function to be called when a Start process is finished on MAC Wrapper. See MAC_WRP_StartConfirm.

  • commStatusIndicationCallback. Pointer to function to be called when a Comm Status event occurs on MAC Wrapper. See MAC_WRP_CommStatusIndication.

  • snifferIndicationCallback. Pointer to function to be called when any frame is received MAC Wrapper. Only invoked if MAC Sniffer is enabled by corresponding PIB. See MAC_WRP_SnifferIndication.


In case an event is to be ignored, setting its corresponding callback function to NULL will lead to the event not being generated.