1.5 G3 RF PAL Module

The G3 RF Platform Abstraction Layer (PAL) module acts as an abstraction interface between the IEEE 802.15.4 RF PHY layer and the G3 RF MAC layer.

Two RF devices are supported:

  • RF215:

    • External device controlled by MCU host.

    • Managed by RF215 driver (see Smart Energy documentation).

    • Supports IEEE 802.15.4 SUN FSK and SUN OFDM PHY layers.

  • WBZ45/PIC32CX-BZ2:

    • ARM Cortex-M4 MCU with Wireless Subsystem integrated.

    • Managed by IEEE 802.15.4 standalone PHY driver (see Wireless 15.4 PHY documentation).

    • Supports IEEE 802.15.4 O-QPSK PHY layer.

    • PHY message length is limited to 128 bytes.

    • Use of RTOS is mandatory.

Figure . RF Platform Abstraction Layer