1.3.1 Configuring The G3 MAC Layer

G3 Stack Configurator

G3 MAC Layer configuration is located in the module named G3 Stack, which serves as configurator for every G3 Stack component.

Figure . G3 MAC Layer Configuration

Depending on the available MAC layers (previously selected under G3 Mode of Operation in the same module), the PLC and RF options will be shown or not.

PLC Table Sizes

The following MAC PLC Tables can be dimesioned through this configurator:

  • Device Table. Security Table where incoming Frame Counters are stored.

    • Range: 16..512, Default Value: 128

Figure . G3 PLC Table Sizes Configuration

RF Table Sizes

The following MAC RF Tables can be dimesioned through this configurator:

  • Device Table. Security Table where incoming Frame Counters are stored.

    • Range: 16..512, Default Value: 128

  • POS Table. Auxiliary Table where information from Neighbouring nodes is stored.

    • Range: 16..512, Default Value: 100

  • Sequence Number Table. Control Table where incoming sequence numbers are stored to avoid duplicated frames processing.

    • Range: 4..128, Default Value: 8

Figure . G3 RF Table Sizes Configuration

Enabling MAC Serialization

G3 MAC layer can be accessed from an external Host using a Serial Interface. To do so, USI module is used, and thus is has to be properly configured (refer to Smart Energy documentation). When Serialization is enabled, the USI instance to use has to be set, as shown in the figure.

Figure . G3 MAC Serialization Configuration