typedef enum
    ADP_IB_SECURITY_LEVEL = 0x00000000, /* 8 bits */
    ADP_IB_PREFIX_TABLE = 0x00000001, /* [11 to 27] Byte entries */
    ADP_IB_BROADCAST_LOG_TABLE_ENTRY_TTL = 0x00000002, /* 16 bits */
    ADP_IB_METRIC_TYPE = 0x00000003, /* 8 bits */
    ADP_IB_LOW_LQI_VALUE = 0x00000004, /* 8 bits */
    ADP_IB_HIGH_LQI_VALUE = 0x00000005, /* 8 bits */
    ADP_IB_RREP_WAIT = 0x00000006, /* 8 bits */
    ADP_IB_CONTEXT_INFORMATION_TABLE = 0x00000007, /* [4 to 20] Byte entries */
    ADP_IB_COORD_SHORT_ADDRESS = 0x00000008, /* 16 bits */
    ADP_IB_RLC_ENABLED = 0x00000009, /* 8 bits (bool) */
    ADP_IB_ADD_REV_LINK_COST = 0x0000000A, /* 8 bits */
    ADP_IB_BROADCAST_LOG_TABLE = 0x0000000B, /* 5 Byte entries */
    ADP_IB_ROUTING_TABLE = 0x0000000C, /* 9 Byte entries */
    ADP_IB_UNICAST_RREQ_GEN_ENABLE = 0x0000000D, /* 8 bits (bool) */
    ADP_IB_GROUP_TABLE = 0x0000000E, /* 2 Byte entries */
    ADP_IB_MAX_HOPS = 0x0000000F, /* 8 bits */
    ADP_IB_DEVICE_TYPE = 0x00000010, /* 8 bits */
    ADP_IB_NET_TRAVERSAL_TIME = 0x00000011, /* 8 bits */
    ADP_IB_ROUTING_TABLE_ENTRY_TTL = 0x00000012, /* 16 bits */
    ADP_IB_KR = 0x00000013, /* 8 bits */
    ADP_IB_KM = 0x00000014, /* 8 bits */
    ADP_IB_KC = 0x00000015, /* 8 bits */
    ADP_IB_KQ = 0x00000016, /* 8 bits */
    ADP_IB_KH = 0x00000017, /* 8 bits */
    ADP_IB_RREQ_RETRIES = 0x00000018, /* 8 bits */
    ADP_IB_RREQ_WAIT = 0x00000019, /* 8 bits */
    ADP_IB_WEAK_LQI_VALUE = 0x0000001A, /* 8 bits */
    ADP_IB_KRT = 0x0000001B, /* 8 bits */
    ADP_IB_SOFT_VERSION = 0x0000001C, /* 6 Byte array */
    ADP_IB_SNIFFER_MODE = 0x0000001D, /* 8 bits (bool) */
    ADP_IB_BLACKLIST_TABLE = 0x0000001E, /* 4 Byte entries */
    ADP_IB_BLACKLIST_TABLE_ENTRY_TTL = 0x0000001F, /* 16 bits */
    ADP_IB_MAX_JOIN_WAIT_TIME = 0x00000020, /* 16 bits */
    ADP_IB_PATH_DISCOVERY_TIME = 0x00000021, /* 8 bits */
    ADP_IB_ACTIVE_KEY_INDEX = 0x00000022, /* 8 bits */
    ADP_IB_DESTINATION_ADDRESS_SET = 0x00000023, /* 2 Byte entries */
    ADP_IB_DEFAULT_COORD_ROUTE_ENABLED = 0x00000024, /* 8 bits (bool) */
    ADP_IB_DELAY_LOW_LQI = 0x00000025, /* 16 bits */
    ADP_IB_DELAY_HIGH_LQI = 0x00000026, /* 16 bits */
    ADP_IB_RREQ_JITTER_LOW_LQI = 0x00000027, /* 8 bits */
    ADP_IB_RREQ_JITTER_HIGH_LQI = 0x00000028, /* 8 bits */
    ADP_IB_TRICKLE_DATA_ENABLED = 0x00000029, /* 8 bits */
    ADP_IB_TRICKLE_LQI_THRESHOLD_LOW = 0x0000002A, /* 8 bits */
    ADP_IB_TRICKLE_STEP = 0x0000002B, /* 8 bits */
    ADP_IB_TRICKLE_I_MIN = 0x0000002D, /* 16 bits */
    ADP_IB_TRICKLE_MAX_KI = 0x0000002E, /* 8 bits */
    ADP_IB_TRICKLE_ADAPTIVE_I_MIN = 0x0000002F, /* 8 bits */
    ADP_IB_TRICKLE_ADAPTIVE_KI = 0x00000030, /* 8 bits */
    ADP_IB_CLUSTER_TRICKLE_ENABLED = 0x00000031, /* 8 bits */
    ADP_IB_CLUSTER_MIN_LQI = 0x00000032, /* 8 bits */
    ADP_IB_CLUSTER_TRICKLE_K = 0x00000033, /* 8 bits */
    ADP_IB_CLUSTER_RREQ_ROUTE_COST_DEVIATION = 0x00000034, /* 8 bits */
    ADP_IB_CLUSTER_TRICKLE_I = 0x00000035, /* 16 bits */
    ADP_IB_TRICKLE_LQI_THRESHOLD_HIGH = 0x00000036, /* 8 bits */
    ADP_IB_LOW_LQI_VALUE_RF = 0x000000D0, /* 8 bits */
    ADP_IB_HIGH_LQI_VALUE_RF = 0x000000D1, /* 8 bits */
    ADP_IB_KQ_RF = 0x000000D2, /* 8 bits */
    ADP_IB_KH_RF = 0x000000D3, /* 8 bits */
    ADP_IB_KRT_RF = 0x000000D4, /* 8 bits */
    ADP_IB_KDC_RF = 0x000000D5, /* 8 bits */
    ADP_IB_USE_BACKUP_MEDIA = 0x000000D6, /* 8 bits (bool) */
    ADP_IB_WEAK_LQI_VALUE_RF = 0x000000D7, /* 8 bits */
    ADP_IB_TRICKLE_LQI_THRESHOLD_LOW_RF = 0x000000D8, /* 8 bits */
    ADP_IB_DELAY_LOW_LQI_RF = 0x000000D9, /* 16 bits */
    ADP_IB_DELAY_HIGH_LQI_RF = 0x000000DA, /* 16 bits */
    ADP_IB_RREQ_JITTER_LOW_LQI_RF = 0x000000DB, /* 8 bits */
    ADP_IB_RREQ_JITTER_HIGH_LQI_RF = 0x000000DC, /* 8 bits */
    ADP_IB_CLUSTER_TRICKLE_I_RF = 0x000000DD, /* 16 bits */
    ADP_IB_CLUSTER_TRICKLE_K_RF = 0x000000DE, /* 8 bits */
    ADP_IB_CLUSTER_MIN_LQI_RF = 0x000000DF, /* 8 bits */
    ADP_IB_LAST_GASP = 0x000000E0, /* 8 bits (bool) */
    ADP_IB_PROBING_INTERVAL = 0x000000E1, /* 8 bits */
    ADP_IB_TRICKLE_LQI_THRESHOLD_HIGH_RF = 0x000000E2, /* 8 bits */
    ADP_IB_DISABLE_DEFAULT_ROUTING = 0x000000F0, /* 8 bits (bool) */

    /* Manufacturer */
    ADP_IB_MANUF_REASSEMBY_TIMER = 0x080000C0, /* 16 bits */
    ADP_IB_MANUF_IPV6_HEADER_COMPRESSION = 0x080000C1, /* 8 bits (bool) */
    ADP_IB_MANUF_PAN_ID = 0x080000C3, /* 16 bits */
    ADP_IB_MANUF_BROADCAST_SEQUENCE_NUMBER = 0x080000C4, /* 8 bits */
    ADP_IB_MANUF_DATAGRAM_TAG = 0x080000C6, /* 16 bits */
    ADP_IB_MANUF_ROUTING_TABLE_COUNT = 0x080000C8, /* 32 bits */
    ADP_IB_MANUF_DISCOVER_SEQUENCE_NUMBER = 0x080000C9, /* 16 bits */
    ADP_IB_MANUF_FORCED_NO_ACK_REQUEST = 0x080000CA, /* 8 bits (bool) */
    ADP_IB_MANUF_LQI_TO_COORD = 0x080000CB, /* 8 bits */
    ADP_IB_MANUF_BROADCAST_ROUTE_ALL = 0x080000CC, /* 8 bits (bool) */
    ADP_IB_MANUF_ADP_INTERNAL_VERSION = 0x080000CE, /* 6 Byte array */
    ADP_IB_MANUF_CIRCULAR_ROUTES_DETECTED = 0x080000CF, /* 16 bits */
    ADP_IB_MANUF_LAST_CIRCULAR_ROUTE_ADDRESS = 0x080000D0, /* 16 bits */
    ADP_IB_MANUF_IPV6_ULA_DEST_SHORT_ADDRESS = 0x080000D1, /* 16 bits */
    ADP_IB_MANUF_MAX_REPAIR_RESEND_ATTEMPTS = 0x080000D2, /* 8 bits */
    ADP_IB_MANUF_DISABLE_AUTO_RREQ = 0x080000D3, /* 8 bits (bool) */
    ADP_IB_MANUF_SHORT_ADDRESS = 0x080000D4, /* 16 bits */
    ADP_IB_MANUF_PENDING_DATA_IND_SHORT_ADDRESS = 0x080000D8, /* 16 bits */
    ADP_IB_MANUF_GET_BAND_CONTEXT_TONES = 0x080000D9, /* 8 bits */
    ADP_IB_MANUF_UPDATE_NON_VOLATILE_DATA = 0x080000DA, /* 8 bits (bool) */
    ADP_IB_MANUF_DISCOVER_ROUTE_GLOBAL_SEQ_NUM = 0x080000C9, /* 16 bits */
    ADP_IB_MANUF_FRAGMENT_DELAY = 0x080000DC, /* 16 bits */
    ADP_IB_MANUF_DYNAMIC_FRAGMENT_DELAY_ENABLED = 0x080000DD, /* 8 bits (bool) */
    ADP_IB_MANUF_BLACKLIST_TABLE_COUNT = 0x080000DF, /* 16 bits */
    ADP_IB_MANUF_BROADCAST_LOG_TABLE_COUNT = 0x080000E0, /* 16 bits */
    ADP_IB_MANUF_GROUP_TABLE_COUNT = 0x080000E2, /* 16 bits */
    ADP_IB_MANUF_ROUTING_TABLE_ELEMENT = 0x080000E3,  /* 9 Byte entries */
    ADP_IB_MANUF_HYBRID_PROFILE = 0x080000E5,  /* 8 bits (bool) */
    ADP_IB_MANUF_LAST_PHASEDIFF = 0x080000E6  /* 8 bits */



Lists the available objects in the ADP Parameter Information Base (PIB).


ADP PIB is a collection of objects that can be read/written in order to retrieve information and/or configure the ADP layer.


This attribute indicates the minimum security level to be used for incoming and outgoing adaptation frames. Messages not respecting this level are dropped.

The size of the attribute is 1 byte.

The default value is 5 (ENC-MIC-32).


This attribute contains the list of prefixes defined on this PAN. It is assumed that the link local IPv6 address exists independently and is not affected by the prefixes defined in the prefix table.

This attribute is a table of two elements. Each element is encoded as following:

  • Byte 0: indicates the prefix length in bits

  • Byte 1: indicates the 'on-link flag' (0 = not set, 1 = set)

  • Byte 2: indicates the 'autonomous address-configuration flag' (0 = not set, 1 = set)

  • Bytes 3 - 6: indicate the valid lifetime in seconds

  • Bytes 7 - 10: indicate the preferred lifetime in seconds

  • Bytes 11 - 26 (variable length): indicate the prefix value

If the attribute length is set to 0, the prefix is deleted.


This attribute indicates the maximum time to live of an adpBroadcastLogTable entry (in minutes).

The size of the attribute is 2 bytes. The value of the attribute is a 16 bits integer encoded little endian (LSB first). (e.g. 0x0200 = 2 minutes).

Default value is 2 minutes.


This attribute defines the metric type to be used for routing purposes.

The size of the attribute is 1 byte.

The default value is 0x0F.

Possible values for this IB are:

  • 0x00: TYPE_HOP_COUNT




The low LQI value defines the LQI value, used in metric computation, below which a link to a neighbour is considered as an unreliable link.

The size of the attribute is 1 byte.

The default value is 0x00.


The high LQI value defines the LQI value, used in metric computation, above which a link to a neighbour is considered as the maximum reliable link.

The size of the attribute is 1 byte.

The default value is 0xFF.


An RREP shall be generated after a delay of adpRREPWait seconds after either the arrival of the first RREQ or the transmission of the latest RREP.

The size of the attribute is 1 byte.

The default value is 4.


This attribute contains the context information associated to each CID extension field.

This attribute is a table of 16 elements. The CID field from the ICMPv6 / 6CO message indicates the index in the table.

Each element is encoded as following:

  • Bytes 0 - 1: indicate the valid time in minutes. The value is a 16 bits integer encoded little endian (LSB first)

  • Byte 2: indicates the validity of the CID for compression purposes (corresponds to C field from the ICMPv6 / 6CO message). A value of 0 means false, 1 means true

  • Byte 3: indicates the context length in bits

  • Bytes 4 - 19 (variable length): indicate the context value

If the attribute length is set to 0 the context is deleted.

This table is not ordered using any criteria and entries can be added at any index position, thus to get all the active entries, the whole table has to be read, or iterate until ADP_IB_MANUF_CONTEXT_INFORMATION_TABLE_COUNT entries have been found.


This attribute defines the short address of the coordinator.

The size of the attribute is 2 bytes. The value is a 16 bits integer encoded little endian (LSB first).

The default value is 0x0000.

On Coordinator, this value is used to set its own Short Address when ADP_NetworkStart primitive is called. On Devices, it is used to address frames targeted to PAN Coordinator.


This attribute controls the sending of RLCREQ frame by the device.

The size of the attribute is 1.

The value 0 indicates mechanism is disabled, value 1 mechanism enabled. The default value is 0.


This attribute contains the broadcast log table. This attribute is read-only.

The table contains 20 elements. Each element is 5 bytes in length:

  • Bytes 0 - 1: indicate the source address of the broadcast packet (the address of the broadcast initiator). The address is encoded little endian (LSB first)

  • Byte 2: indicates the sequence number

  • Bytes 3 - 4: indicate the remaining time in minutes until this entry in the broadcast log table is considered valid (encoded little endian, LSB first)

This table is not ordered using any criteria, thus to get all the active entries the whole table has to be read, or iterate until ADP_IB_MANUF_BROADCAST_LOG_TABLE_COUNT entries have been found.


This attribute contains the routing table.

The routing table default size is 150 elements for Devices, but may be increased up to 2000 for a PAN Coordinator in a big Network. Each element has 9 bytes (all integers are encoded little endian, LSB first):

  • Bytes 0 - 1: indicate the destination address

  • Bytes 2 - 3: indicate the next hop address

  • Bytes 4 - 5: indicate the route cost

  • Byte 6, bits 0 - 3: indicate the weak links count

  • Byte 6, bits 4 - 7: indicate the hop count

  • Bytes 7 - 8: indicate the time this entry is valid in minutes

This attribute can also be written for testing purposes.

This table is ordered according to valid time. Newest entries are placed at the top of the table. To get all the active entries, the first step is to get the number of such active entries by means of ADP_IB_MANUF_ROUTING_TABLE_COUNT. Then, since the table is ordered, all entries can be obtained by iterating from 0 to the number of active entries.


This attribute controls the unicast RREQ generation.

The length of the attribute is 1 byte.

Value 0 indicates the mechanism is disabled, value 1 the mechanism is enabled. The default value is 1 (enabled).


This attribute contains the group addresses to which the device belongs.

The table size is 16. Note that the 'All nodes address', group 0x8001 is predefined and it doesn't need to be added to this attribute. The length of each element is 2 bytes, defining the group address encoded little endian (lsb first). If the attribute element is set with the length 0, the group is deleted.

When reading the element, an extra byte is added indicating if the entry is valid or not: 0 means invalid, 1 means valid.

This table is not ordered using any criteria, thus to get all the active entries the whole table has to be read, or iterate until ADP_IB_MANUF_GROUP_TABLE_COUNT entries have been found.


This attribute defines the maximum number of hops to be used by the routing algorithm.

The length of the attribute is 1 byte.

The default value is 8.


This attribute defines the role of the device in the Network.

The length of the attribute is 1 byte.

  • 0: PAN device

  • 1: PAN coordinator

  • 2: Not defined (Default)


This attribute defines the maximum time in seconds that a packet is expected to take to reach any node from any node.

The length of the attribute is 1 byte.

The default value is 20.


This attribute defines the maximum time-to-live of a routing table entry (in minutes).

The length of the attribute is 2 bytes. The value is encoded little endian.

The default value is 360.


This attribute defines a weight factor for robust mode to calculate link cost.

The length of the attribute is 1 byte.

The default value is 0.


This attribute defines a weight factor for modulation to calculate link cost.

The length of the attribute is 1 byte.

The default value is 0.


This attribute defines a weight factor for number of active tones to calculate link cost.

The length of the attribute is 1 byte.

The default value is 0.


This attribute defines a weight factor for LQI to calculate route cost.

The length of the attribute is 1 byte.

The default value is 10.


This attribute defines a weight factor for hop to calculate link cost.

The length of the attribute is 1 byte.

The default value is 4.


This attribute defines the number of RREQ retransmissions in case of a RREP reception time out.

The length of the attribute is 1 byte.

The default value is 0.


This attribute defines the time in seconds to wait between two consecutive RREQ generations.

The length is 1 byte.

The default value is 30.


This attribute indicates the weak link value which defines the LQI value below which a link to a neighbour is considered as a weak link.

The length is 1 byte.

The default value is 52 (SNR of 3 dB).


This attribute indicates a weight factor for the number of active routes in the routing table to calculate link cost.

The length is 1 byte.

The default value is 0.


This attribute indicates the software version. This is a read-only attribute with a length of 6 bytes:

  • Byte 0: major version number

  • Byte 1: minor version number

  • Byte 2: revision number

  • Byte 3: version date: year (since 2000)

  • Byte 4: version date: month

  • Byte 5: version date: day


This attribute is not supported in the current version of the stack.


This attribute contains the list of the blacklisted neighbours.

The size of the table is 20 elements by default. Each element has 4 bytes:

  • Bytes 0 - 1: the short address of the blacklisted neighbour

  • Bytes 2 - 3: the remaining time in minutes while this entry is valid

If the attribute length is set to 0 the entry is deleted. This table is not ordered using any criteria, thus to get all the active entries the whole table has to be read, or iterate until ADP_IB_MANUF_BLACKLIST_TABLE_COUNT entries have been found.


This attribute indicates the maximum time-to-live of a blacklisted neighbour entry (in minutes).

The length of the attribute is 2 bytes. The value is encoded little endian (lsb first).

The default value is 10.


This attribute indicates the network join timeout in seconds for LBD.

The size of the attribute is 2 bytes. The value is encoded little endian (lsb first).

The default value is 20.


This attribute indicates the timeout for path discovery in seconds.

The size of the attribute is 1 byte.

The default value is 40.


This attribute indicates the index of the active GMK to be used for data transmission.

The size of the attribute is 1 byte.

The default value is 0.


This attribute contains the Destination Address Set, which contains the list of the addresses of the device for which this LOADng router is providing connectivity.

The size of the table is 1 element. Each element has 2 bytes:

  • Bytes 0 - 1: the short address of the target destination

If the attribute length is set to 0 the entry is deleted.


If TRUE, the adaptation layer adds a default route to the coordinator after successful completion of the bootstrapping procedure. If FALSE, no default route will be created.

The size of the attribute is 1 byte.

The default value is 0 (FALSE).


Delay in ms before retransmitting an RREQ in an intermediate node when the LQI of the received RREQ is below adpRREQJitterLowLQI.

The size of the attribute is 2 bytes.

The default value is 0.


Delay in ms before retransmitting an RREQ in an intermediate node when the LQI of the received RREQ is above adpRREQJitterHighLQI.

The size of the attribute is 2 bytes.

The default value is 0.


LQI value below which RREQ retransmission is delayed by adpDelayLowLQI.

The size of the attribute is 1 byte.

The default value is 52.


LQI value above which RREQ retransmission is delayed by adpDelayHighLQI.

The size of the attribute is 1 byte.

The default value is 120.


Enables Trickle for data broadcast frames.

The size of the attribute is 1 byte.

The default value is 0 (FALSE).


Low LQI threshold used to schedule broadcast messages. Also defines the minimum LQI value above which POS table entries are considered for the calculation of the redundancy constant Ki.

The size of the attribute is 1 byte.

The default value is 80.


Indication of the desired redundancy related to the reception of broadcast frames per tier of recent POS table entries.

The size of the attribute is 1 byte.

The default value is 1.


Minimum Trickle interval size in milliseconds.

The size of the attribute is 2 bytes.

The default value is 1200 for CENELEC bandplans, 600 for FCC bandplans.


Maximum redundancy constant allowed in the PAN.

The size of the attribute is 1 byte. Allowed values are from 1 to 5.

The default value is 3.


If activated, the minimum trickle interval size is not taken from adpTrickleImin, but adaptively computed.

The size of the attribute is 1 byte.

The default value is 1 (TRUE).


If disabled (FALSE), Ki is statically set to adpTrickleMaxKi.

The size of the attribute is 1 byte.

The default value is 0 (FALSE).


Enables Trickle for RREQ messages.

The size of the attribute is 1 byte.

The default value is 0 (FALSE).


The minimum LQI value above which a link is considered within the same cluster.

The size of the attribute is 1 byte.

The default value is 90.


The redundancy constant used in the cluster trickle algorithm.

The size of the attribute is 1 byte. Allowed values are from 1 to 10.

The default value is 3.


Positive or negative deviation of the route cost of the stored RREQ compared to the route cost of the incoming RREQ.

The size of the attribute is 1 byte.

The default value is 4.


Trickle interval time in milliseconds. Recommended to be set to ADP_IB_CLUSTER_TRICKLE_K * 3 * duration(RREQ), where the latter is the duration of an RREQ frame in the used bandplan.

The size of the attribute is 2 bytes. Allowed values are up to 4096.

The default value is ADP_IB_CLUSTER_TRICKLE_K * 3 * duration(RREQ).


High LQI threshold used for Trickle Counter incrementation.

The size of the attribute is 1 byte.

The default value is 90.


The low LQI value defines the LQI value, used in metric computation, below which a link to a neighbour is considered an unreliable RF link. This value must be lower than ADP_IB_HIGH_LQI_VALUE_RF.

The size of the attribute is 1 byte.

The default value is 0.


The low LQI value defines the LQI value, used in metric computation, above which a link to a neighbour is considered the most reliable RF link. This value must be higher than ADP_IB_LOW_LQI_VALUE_RF and lower than 255.

The size of the attribute is 1 byte.

The default value is 254.


This attribute defines a weight factor for LQI to calculate link cost.

The length of the attribute is 1 byte.

The default value is 10.


This attribute defines a weight factor for Hop Count to calculate link cost.

The length of the attribute is 1 byte.

The default value is 4.


This attribute defines a weight factor for Number of Active Routes to calculate link cost.

The length of the attribute is 1 byte.

The default value is 0.


This attribute defines a weight factor for Duty Cycle to calculate link cost.

The length of the attribute is 1 byte.

The default value is 10.


This attribute controls if retransmission can use the backup medium in case of transmission failure.

The length of the attribute is 1 byte (boolean).

The default value is True.


The weak link value defines the LQI value below which an RF link to a neighbour is considered as a weak link. It should be set to sensitivity threshold plus sufficient margin (which depends on FSK operating mode).

The size of the attribute is 1 byte.

The default value is 85 (FSK 50kbit/s).


Low LQI threshold used to schedule broadcast messages. Also defines the minimum LQI value above which RF POS table entries are considered for the calculation of the redundancy constant Ki.

The size of the attribute is 1 byte.

The default value is 85.


Delay in ms before retransmitting an RREQ in an intermediate node when the LQI of the received RREQ from RF medium is below ADP_IB_RREQ_JITTER_LOW_LQI_RF.

The size of the attribute is 2 bytes.

The default value is 1500.


Delay in ms before retransmitting an RREQ in an intermediate node when the LQI of the received RREQ from RF medium is above ADP_IB_RREQ_JITTER_HIGH_LQI_RF.

The size of the attribute is 2 bytes.

The default value is 300.


LQI value from RF medium below which RREQ retransmission is delayed by ADP_IB_DELAY_LOW_LQI_RF.

The size of the attribute is 1 byte.

The default value is 60.


LQI value from RF medium above which RREQ retransmission is delayed by ADP_IB_DELAY_HIGH_LQI_RF.

The size of the attribute is 1 byte.

The default value is 180.


Trickle interval time in milliseconds.

The size of the attribute is 2 bytes. Allowed values are up to 4096.

The default value is ADP_IB_CLUSTER_TRICKLE_K_RF * 3 * duration(RREQ).


The redundancy constant used in the cluster trickle algorithm for RF media type.

The size of the attribute is 1 byte. Allowed values are from 1 to 10.

The default value is 3.


The minimum LQI value above which an RF link is considered within the same cluster.

The size of the attribute is 1 byte.

The default value is 90.


Controls the status of Last Gasp mode. To be enabled when the device loses the AC power source.

The size of the attribute is 1 byte.

The default value is 0 (FALSE).


The interval in minutes between two media probing operations.

The size of the attribute is 1 byte.

The default value is 0 (media probing not performed).


High LQI threshold used for Trickle Counter incrementation.

The size of the attribute is 1 byte.

The default value is 95.


This attribute indicates if LOADng protocol should or should not be used.

The size of the attribute is 1 byte. If 1 (true), the default routing (LOADng) is disabled. If 0 (false), the default routing (LOADng) is enabled.

The default value is 0.


This manufacturer attribute can be used to specify the reassembly timer (the maximum delay between the reception of two fragments from a message at ADP level).

The size of the attribute is 2 bytes. The value is encoded little endian.

Default value is 60 seconds.


This manufacturer attribute can be used to enable / disable the compression of the IPv6 headers. This applies only on the messages sent using the DataRequest service.

The size of the attribute is 1 byte. The value 0 indicates the compression is disabled. Value 1 indicates the compression is enabled.

The default value is 1.


This manufacturer attribute specifies the PAN ID of the Joined Network. It is set by the LBP module on Devices when the Join process is successfully completed. It is not intended to be used by upper layers.

The size is 2 bytes.

The default value is 0xFFFF.


This manufacturer attribute can be used to get/set the broadcast sequence number.

The size of the attribute is 1 byte.

The default value is 0.


This manufacturer attribute can be used to specify the datagram tag to be used for the fragmented transfers.

The size of the attribute is 2 bytes. The value is encoded little endian.

The default value is0, which means the datagram will be randomly chosen.


This read-only manufacturer attribute can be used to get the number of active entries in the routing table.

The size of the attribute is 4 bytes. The value represents a 32 bits integer encoded little endian (lsb first).


This manufacturer attribute can be used to get/set the discover sequence number.

The size of the attribute is 2 bytes. The value is encoded little endian.

The default value is 0.


This manufacturer attribute can be used to force all frames to be sent with No ACK request.

The size of the attribute is 1 byte.

The default value is 0, which means that the ACK request is decided by G3 mechanisms. Any other value forces all frames to be sent without ACK request.


This manufacturer attribute retrieves LQI of the link which is the next hop in the route to coordinator. This link can be to coordinator itself if coordinator is a neighbour, or to another device if a route is needed to reach it.

The size of the attribute is 1 byte.

The default value is 0, which means that coordinator is not a neighbour and there is no route to reach it (typically before starting to exchange any data with it).


This manufacturer attribute can be used to activate specific mode where all the broadcast messages are propagated (in respect with broadcast sequence number and number of hops) even if the modem is not part of the destination group of the message. The normal behaviour is to drop broadcast messages if device is not part of the destination group.

The size of the attribute is 1 byte, interpreted as Boolean.

The default value is 0.


This attribute indicates the internal ADP version.

This is a read-only attribute and the length is 6 bytes:

  • Byte 0: major version number

  • Byte 1: minor version number

  • Byte 2: revision number

  • Byte 3: version date: year (since 2000)

  • Byte 4: version date: month

  • Byte 5: version date: day


This manufacturer attribute can be used to get the number of circular routes (routing loops) detected and corrected by device.

The size of the attribute is 2 bytes.

The default value is 0.


This manufacturer attribute can be used to get the next hop address involved in the last routing loop detected and corrected, it is provided for statistical purposes.

The size of the attribute is 2 bytes.


This manufacturer attribute is intended to be used in a G3 Gateway implementation. It allows upper layers to set the destination short address of the next data frame to be transmitted, which will be derived from an ULA address. This allows the ULA / short address translation to be managed by the gateway application, out of G3 stack scope.

The size of the attribute is 2 bytes.


This manufacturer attribute sets the number of attempts of transmission for a frame when repair has been performed. The concept 'attempt' refers to the whole cycle of transmission fail and successful repair. The aim of this attribute is to avoid an infinite loop of transmission fail + repair successful, limiting this cycle to a number of iterations.

The size of the attribute is 1 byte.

The default value is 5.


This manufacturer attribute allows controlling the stack behaviour when a route is not available for sending a frame. This situation happens if an existing route is broken due to No ACK reception after sending a frame, or if previous route does not exist or is no longer valid. The default behaviour is to automatically trigger a route discover or repair mechanism (thus default IB value is false), but the user can change this to discard the frame sending if there is no route available. When this IB is set, only route discovery processes requested by upper layer by means of ADP_RouteDiscoveryRequest primitive will be executed. Please note that this behaviour is out of G3 spec, and may lead to interoperability issues.

Attribute size is 1 byte.

The default value is 0.


This manufacturer attribute specifies the Short Address that a Device is given after Joining a Network. It is set by the LBP module on Devices when the Join process is successfully completed. It is not intended to be used by upper layers.

The size is 2 bytes.

The default value is 0xFFFF.


As a protection, when a device detects that all its neighbours are blacklisted, the blacklist table is cleared so there is a chance to find routes again through any of them. This manufacturer attribute counts how many times this protection has been triggered.

Attribute size is 2 bytes.

The default value is 0.


The ADP transmission queue implements a timeout so frames not released for transmission for a given time are discarded. Time-out is set to 2*ADP_IB_NET_TRAVERSAL_TIME. This manufacturer attribute counts how many frames have been discarded due to time-out.

Attribute size is 2 bytes.

The default value is 0.


When a route request/repair fails, any element in ADP transmission queue with the same destination as the one for which the route process has failed is purged. This prevents immediately starting a new route discovery process to the same destination that just failed, and thus avoids channel congestion due to the flooding of RREQs in the network. This manufacturer attribute counts how many frames have been discarded due to the above explained reason.

Attribute size is 2 bytes.

The default value is 0.


This manufacturer attribute is used for inter-communication between ADP and Routing libraries. It is not intended to be used by the final user application.

Attribute size is 2 bytes.

The default value is 0.


This manufacturer attribute is used for inter-communication between ADP and Routing libraries. It is not intended to be used by the final user application.

Attribute size is 1 byte.

The default value is 0.


This manufacturer attribute is used for inter-communication between ADP and Routing libraries. It is not intended to be used by the final user application.

Attribute size is 1 byte.

The default value is 0.


This manufacturer attribute is used for inter-communication between ADP and Routing libraries. It is not intended to be used by the final user application.

Attribute size is 2 bytes.

The default value is 0.


This manufacturer attribute is used to set a delay between 6LowPAN fragments at originator. The intention of such delay is to avoid collisions when fragments are retransmitted through subsequent hops.

The effect of this attribute depends on other related ones as follows:

  • When ADP_IB_MANUF_DYNAMIC_FRAGMENT_DELAY_ENABLED is false, it is the delay between fragments.

  • When ADP_IB_MANUF_DYNAMIC_FRAGMENT_DELAY_ENABLED is set, this IB sets a ceiling value to apply to the formula used by ADP_IB_MANUF_DYNAMIC_FRAGMENT_DELAY_FACTOR.

If this IB is set to 0, no delay is applied in any case.

Attribute size is 2 bytes.

The default value is 0.


This manufacturer attribute is used to enable dynamic 6LowPAN fragments delay. When true, dynamic delay between fragments is used, otherwise static delay is applied.

Attribute size is 1 byte.

The default value is 0 (false).


This manufacturer attribute is used to set a factor in order to calculate the dynamic 6LowPAN fragments delay.

When ADP_IB_MANUF_DYNAMIC_FRAGMENT_DELAY_ENABLED is set, delay between fragments is calculated depending on number of hops to destination: Delay = (ADP_IB_MANUF_DYNAMIC_FRAGMENT_DELAY_FACTOR * num_hops_to_destination), when num_hops_to_destination > 2. Otherwise Delay = 0.

This IB has no effect when ADP_IB_MANUF_DYNAMIC_FRAGMENT_DELAY_ENABLED is false.

Attribute size is 2 bytes.

The default value is 800.


This read-only manufacturer attribute can be used to get the number of active entries in the Blacklist table ADP_IB_BLACKLIST_TABLE.

The size of the attribute is 2 bytes. The value represents a 16 bits integer encoded little endian (LSB first).


This read-only manufacturer attribute can be used to get the number of active entries in the Broadcast Log table ADP_IB_BROADCAST_LOG_TABLE.

The size of the attribute is 2 bytes. The value represents a 16 bits integer encoded little endian (LSB first).


This read-only manufacturer attribute can be used to get the number of active entries in the Context Information table ADP_IB_CONTEXT_INFORMATION_TABLE.

The size of the attribute is 2 bytes. The value represents a 16 bits integer encoded little endian (LSB first).


This read-only manufacturer attribute can be used to get the number of active entries in the Group table ADP_IB_GROUP_TABLE.

The size of the attribute is 2 bytes. The value represents a 16 bits integer encoded little endian (LSB first).


This object has the same content as the Routing table, but it is retrieved using the short address of the node, instead of the index inside the table. To do so, set the short address in the index field in the Get IB function.

This attribute is Read-only.


This read-only manufacturer attribute is used to read from upper layers whether the underlying G3 stack implements the Hybrid Profile or not.

The attribute size is 1 byte.

The default value is dynamically set depending on the available MAC layers.


This manufacturer attribute stores the computed Phase Differential for the last received frame. It is used by LOADng to retrieve the value and set it as part of the PREQ/PREP frames.

Attribute size is 1 byte.

The default value is 0.

