2.12 Application Coding
Now, you have the MPLAB® Harmony components configured for a G3 application. The Getting-Started demo implements a typical G3 Device application. This application is written using the API's provided by the MPLAB® Harmony G3 and TCP/IP components.
The G3 demo for PIC32CXMTG device is already available in smartenergy_g3_apps repository. The application source files are available at smartenergy_g3_apps\apps\g3_apps\g3_device_udp\firmware\src. Let's make use of those source files for the MyFirstG3app demo.
Copy the application files (app_g3_management.c, app_g3_management.h, app_storage_pic32cxmt.c, app_storage_pic32cxmt.h, app_tcpip_management.c, app_tcpip_management.h, app_udp_responder.c, app_udp_responder.h) from smartenergy_g3_apps\apps\g3_apps\g3_device_udp\firmware\src path.
Paste the application files to demo at ...\MyFirstG3app\firmware\src.
- Add Header and Source files to the MPLAB project
Figure . Application Files