1.6.2 MCC Project Configuration

The following figure shows the MCC project graph of G3 Modem application for PIC32CXMTG-EK:

Figure 1-57. MCC Project Graph of G3 Modem for PIC32CXMTG-EK
  • Since it is an hybrid project, both G3 MAC RT and RF215 drivers are present. For PLC-only or RF-only projects, only one of them is needed.
  • The PLC PVDD Monitor service is needed to monitor the PVDD voltage of PL460 in order to disable PLC transmission in case the voltage is not in the expected range, to avoid PL460 damage. If the PVDD voltage is in the expected range the PLC transmission is enabled.
  • The PLC PHY Coupling service is needed to configure the PLC transmission parameters for the selected transmission coupling branch.
  • The USI service is needed to send/receive messages through serial interface (UART/USB) to/from external device.
  • The Time system service is required by both G3 MAC RT and RF215 drivers. It is also used by the application to blink periodically the status LED.
  • The TRNG peripheral library is used by the Random service to generate random numbers, which is needed by the G3 stack. It is not mandatory because the Random service can generate random numbers without it, but if the MCU used has a TRNG peripheral it is recommended to use it.
  • Cryptographic and wolfCrypt libraries are used by the Security service to perform cryptographic operations needed by the G3 stack.
  • The G3 STACK folder contains all the components needed by the G3 stack:
Figure 1-58. MCC Project Graph of G3 STACK folder
  • Since it is an hybrid project, both PLC and RF G3 PALs are present. For PLC-only or RF-only projects, only one of them is needed (G3 Mode of Operation should also be changed in MCC options of G3 Stack).
  • Random, Security, Queue and Log Report services are always needed by the G3 stack.

The following figure shows the MCC configuration of the G3 Stack:

Figure 1-59. G3 Stack MCC Configuration
  • G3 Mode of Operation: It can be changed if only G3 MAC is needed or if Hybrid PLC & RF is not needed.
  • Role for G3 Node: Configured to dynamic because it is selected upon initialization (through USI command sent by external device).
  • Enable ADP and LBP Serialization: Enabled to allow accessing the ADP and LBP API through serial interface (USI).
  • Enable MAC Serialization: Enabled to allow accessing the MAC API through serial interface (USI).
  • For more information about G3 stack configuration, refer to its documentation (smartenergy_g3 repository).

The G3 Modem application loads by default the configuration to use the default coupling stage of the evaluation kit (Multiband FCC + CENELEC-A for the PL460-EK). If other PLC band configuration is required, it can be easily modified in the MCC options of G3 MAC RT driver, as shown below:

Figure 1-60. PLC Band Configuration in G3 MAC RT Driver

The serial interface used to access the G3 API is configured in the MCC configuration of USI service. It can be UART or USB (if the device supports USB).

Figure 1-61. USI MCC Configuration