1.9 G3 Coordinator ICMPv6 Cycles

The G3 Coordinator ICMPv6 Cycles application implements a G3-Hybrid Coordinator, capable of creating a G3 network and cycling the joined devices with ICMPv6 Echo Requests (pings).

The provided projects are PLC-RF hybrid, but they can be PLC-only or RF-only if only one expansion board is connected. There are projects with FreeRTOS and without operative system (Bare-Metal). The following table shows the available G3 Coordinator ICMPv6 Cycles projects:

Table 1-12. G3 Coordinator ICMPv6 Cycles projects
Bare-Metal / FreeRTOS Path Boards
Bare-Metal smartenergy_g3_apps\apps\g3_apps\g3_coordinator_icmp_cycles\firmware\pic32cx_mtg_ek_pl460_rf215.X PIC32CXMTG-EK + PL460-EK + REB215-XPRO
FreeRTOS smartenergy_g3_apps\apps\g3_apps\g3_coordinator_icmp_cycles\firmware\pic32cx_mtg_ek_pl460_rf215_freertos.X PIC32CXMTG-EK + PL460-EK + REB215-XPRO