1 MPLAB® Harmony 3 Smart Energy G3 application examples

The following applications are provided to demonstrate the typical or interesting usage models of the PHY, MAC-RT and full-stack layers of the G3 communication stack provided by Microchip:

PHY Sniffer Toolsmartenergy_g3_apps\apps\phy_apps\phy_sniffer_toolThe PHY Sniffer is an application example that uses the PHY layer to monitor PLC frames in the G3-PLC network and send them via USI serialization.
Hybrid PHY Sniffer Toolsmartenergy_g3_apps\apps\phy_apps\phy_sniffer_tool_hybridThe Hybrid PHY Sniffer is an application example that uses the PHY layers to monitor PLC and RF frames in the G3-Hybrid network and send them via USI serialization.
PHY Tester Toolsmartenergy_g3_apps\apps\phy_apps\phy_tester_toolThe PHY Tester tool is an application example that allows checking the complete performance of the Microchip G3-PLC PHY Layer on PLC boards.
Hybrid PHY Tester Toolsmartenergy_g3_apps\apps\phy_apps\phy_tester_tool_hybridThe Hybrid PHY Tester tool is an application example that allows checking the complete performance of the Microchip G3-PLC and IEEE 802.15.4 PHY Layers on Hybrid PLC-RF boards.
PLC PHY Tx Test Consolesmartenergy_g3_apps\apps\phy_apps\phy_tx_test_consoleThe PLC PHY Tx Test Console is an application example that demonstrates the complete transmission performance of the Microchip G3-PLC PHY Layer, avoiding timing limitations in the PC host.
PHY PLC and Gosmartenergy_g3_apps\apps\phy_apps\phy_plc_and_goThis example is intended to show a simple application running on top of the G3-PLC PHY layer.
MAC-RT PLC and Gosmartenergy_g3_apps\apps\mac_rt_apps\mac_rt_plc_and_goThis example is intended to show a simple application running on top of the G3-PLC Real-Time MAC (MAC-RT) layer.
G3 Modemsmartenergy_g3_apps\apps\g3_apps\g3_modemThis example provides access to G3 MAC and ADP layers through USI serialization.
G3 Device UDP/ICMPv6 Respondersmartenergy_g3_apps\apps\g3_apps\g3_device_udpThis example implements a G3-Hybrid Device, capable of joining a G3 network and replying to UDP and ICMPv6 requests. It can be used to pass the G3 Conformance certification tests.
G3 Coordinator UDP Cycles/Respondersmartenergy_g3_apps\apps\g3_apps\g3_coordinator_udpThis example implements a G3-Hybrid Coordinator, capable of creating a G3 network and cycling the joined devices with UDP requests. It also replies to UDP and ICMPv6 requests and can be used to pass the G3 Conformance certification tests.
G3 Coordinator ICMPv6 Cyclessmartenergy_g3_apps\apps\g3_apps\g3_coordinator_icmp_cyclesThis example implements a G3-Hybrid Coordinator, capable of creating a G3 network and cycling the joined devices with ICMPv6 Echo Requests.
Metering Demo G3 Device UDP/ICMPv6 Respondersmartenergy_g3_apps\apps\metrology_apps\metering_demo_g3_device_udp / metering_demo_g3_device_udp_freertosThis example implements a metering application and a G3-Hybrid Device, capable of joining a G3 network and replying to UDP and ICMPv6 requests. It demonstrates how to send metrology data through UDP. It can be used to pass the G3 Conformance certification tests.


G3-PLC is the name that historically has been used to refer to the G3 communications stack since its inception, when only PLC medium was supported. G3-PLC, G3-Hybrid and G3 terms are used indistinctly in this documentation to refer to the same communications stack with PLC and RF capabilities.