The following picture shows the SAMD20 Xplained Pro board connected to PL460-EK expansion
Figure 1-97. SAMD20 Xplained Pro +
PL460-EK is connected to XPRO Interface connector (EXT1) of SAMD20 Xplained Pro. A 15V DC
jack must be plugged into PL460-EK in order to supply the power for PLC transmission.
For more information about PL460-EK refer to its user guide.
PVdd Monitor functionality on this platform requires a change in resistors on PL460-EK to
meet expected voltage levels at ADC input of SAMD20. For such reason, PVdd Monitor is
disabled by means of APP_PLC_DISABLE_PVDDMON macro definition.Figure 1-98. Resistors to be replaced on PL460-EK
The proper resistor values are already configured on MCC for provided projects.Figure 1-99. Resistor Values configured on MCC
G3 Applications require to save some data on Non Volatile Memory when Power Down is
detected. To have enough time during Power Down for this platform, an extra Capacitor
has to be mounted on PL460-EK to make a softer Power Down. The footprint for such
Capacitor is available on PL460-EK (C75 on figure below). The value to be mounted is
47μF, 10x bigger than the proposed.Figure 1-100. Capacitor to mount on PL460-EK
SAMD20 examples are only provided with PLC support. Due to memory constraints, the Hybrid
(PLC & RF) version is not provided on this platform.
For the same reason, some table sizes are reduced on G3 Configuration. These reduction on
sizes do not affect to node functionality, the only impact would be some extra traffic
on G3 Network under certain conditions.Figure 1-101. Reduced Table Sizes
The USB connector of SAMD20 Xplained Pro can be used to:
Show debug information and
information about the cycles, using a terminal emulator (console). UART
baud-rate is configured at 115200 bps (it can’t be higher due to hardware
limitations on this board).
Flash/debug the SAMD20 device
with the on-board Jlink debugger