typedef struct
    uint32_t retryCountRF;
    uint32_t multipleRetryCountRF;
    uint32_t txFailCountRF;
    uint32_t txSuccessCountRF;
    uint32_t fcsErrorCountRF;
    uint32_t securityFailureCountRF;
    uint32_t duplicateFrameCountRF;
    uint32_t rxSuccessCountRF;
    uint32_t nackCountRF;
    uint32_t txDataPacketCountRF;
    uint32_t rxDataPacketCountRF;
    uint32_t txCmdPacketCountRF;
    uint32_t rxCmdPacketCountRF;
    uint32_t csmaFailCountRF;
    uint32_t rxDataBroadcastCountRF;
    uint32_t txDataBroadcastCountRF;
    uint32_t badCrcCountRF;
    uint16_t posTableSizeRF;
    uint16_t deviceTableSizeRF;
    uint16_t dsnTableSizeRF;
    uint8_t duplicateDetectionTtlRF;
    uint8_t eBsnRF;
    uint8_t dsnRF;
    uint32_t frameCounterRF;
    bool lbpFrameReceivedRF;
    bool lngFrameReceivedRF;
    bool bcnFrameReceivedRF;
    uint32_t rxOtherDestinationCountRF;
    uint32_t rxInvalidFrameLengthCountRF;
    uint32_t rxWrongAddrModeCountRF;
    uint32_t rxUnsupportedSecurityCountRF;
    uint32_t rxWrongKeyIdCountRF;
    uint32_t rxInvalidKeyCountRF;
    uint32_t rxWrongFCCountRF;
    uint32_t rxDecryptionErrorCountRF;
    bool macSnifferRF;
    uint8_t maxBeRF;
    uint8_t maxCsmaBackoffsRF;
    uint8_t maxFrameRetriesRF;
    uint8_t minBeRF;
    uint8_t operatingModeRF;
    uint16_t channelNumberRF;
    uint8_t dutyCycleUsageRF;
    uint16_t dutyCyclePeriodRF;
    uint16_t dutyCycleLimitRF;
    uint8_t dutyCycleThresholdRF;
    uint32_t ackTxDelayRF;
    uint32_t ackRxWaitTimeRF;
    uint32_t ackConfirmWaitTimeRF;
    uint32_t dataConfirmWaitTimeRF;
    uint16_t lastFrameDurationRF;
    uint16_t posRecentEntriesRF;
    bool disablePhyRF;
    bool rfAvailable;
    uint8_t frequencyBandRF;
    uint8_t transmitAttenRF;
    uint8_t adaptivePowerStepRF;
    uint8_t adaptivePowerHighBoundRF;
    uint8_t adaptivePowerLowBoundRF;
    uint8_t beaconRandomizationWindowLength;
    uint8_t trickleMinLQIRF;


Defines the MAC RF Information Base.


This structure holds the MAC RF IB, it contains one field per each defined PIB.

Field description:

  • retryCountRF. Statistical counter for number of transmitted packets which required one retry.

  • multipleRetryCountRF. Statistical counter for number of transmitted packets which required multiple retries.

  • txFailCountRF. Statistical counter for number of packets which failed in transmission.

  • txSuccessCountRF. Statistical counter for number of successfully transmitted packets.

  • fcsErrorCountRF. Statistical counter for number of received packets with FCS errors.

  • securityFailureCountRF. Statistical counter for number of received packets with security errors.

  • duplicateFrameCountRF. Statistical counter for number of duplicate received packets.

  • rxSuccessCountRF. Statistical counter for number of successfully received packets.

  • nackCountRF. Statistical counter for number of transmitted packets which did not received an ACK back.

  • txDataPacketCountRF. Statistical counter for number of transmitted data packets.

  • rxDataPacketCountRF. Statistical counter for number of received data packets.

  • txCmdPacketCountRF. Statistical counter for number of transmitted command packets.

  • rxCmdPacketCountRF. Statistical counter for number of received command packets.

  • csmaFailCountRF. Statistical counter for number of Medium Access failures.

  • rxDataBroadcastCountRF. Statistical counter for number of received broadcast packets.

  • txDataBroadcastCountRF. Statistical counter for number of transmitted broadcast packets.

  • badCrcCountRF. Statistical counter for number of received packets with CRC errors.

  • *posTableRF. Pointer to MAC PLC POS Table.

  • posTableSizeRF. Maximun number of entries in MAC PLC POS Table.

  • *deviceTableRF. Pointer to MAC PLC Device Table.

  • deviceTableSizeRF. Maximun number of entries in MAC PLC Device Table.

  • *dsnTableRF. Pointer to MAC PLC Data Sequence Number Table.

  • dsnTableSizeRF. Maximun number of entries in MAC PLC Data Sequence Number Table.

  • duplicateDetectionTtlRF. Time to live for DSN Table entries.

  • eBsnRF. Current Enhanced Beacon Sequence Number for transmission.

  • dsnRF. Current Data Sequence Number for transmission.

  • frameCounterRF. Device transmission Frame Counter.

  • lbpFrameReceivedRF. Flag indicating whether Boostrap Protocol frames have been received since last read of this PIB.

  • lngFrameReceivedRF. Flag indicating whether LOADng frames have been received since last read of this PIB.

  • bcnFrameReceivedRF. Flag indicating whether Beacon frames have been received since last read of this PIB.

  • rxOtherDestinationCountRF. Statistical counter for number of frames dropped due to different destination.

  • rxInvalidFrameLengthCountRF. Statistical counter for number of frames dropped due to Invalid Length.

  • rxWrongAddrModeCountRF. Statistical counter for number offrames dropped due to wrong Addressing Mode.

  • rxUnsupportedSecurityCountRF. Statistical counter for number offrames dropped due to Security mismatching.

  • rxWrongKeyIdCountRF. Statistical counter for number offrames dropped due to wrong Key ID.

  • rxInvalidKeyCountRF. Statistical counter for number offrames dropped due to Invalid Key.

  • rxWrongFCCountRF. Statistical counter for number offrames dropped due to unexpected Frame Counter.

  • rxDecryptionErrorCountRF. Statistical counter for number offrames dropped due to Decryption error.

  • macSnifferRF. Indicates whether MAC sniffer is active.

  • maxBeRF. Maximum Backoff exponent for CSMA.

  • maxCsmaBackoffsRF. Number of Backoffs for CSMA.

  • maxFrameRetriesRF. Maximum retries in transmission before dropping a frame.

  • minBeRF. Minimum Backoff exponent for CSMA.

  • operatingModeRF. RF Operating Mode to use.

  • channelNumberRF. RF Channel Number to use.

  • dutyCycleUsageRF. Current Duty Cycle used in node.

  • dutyCyclePeriodRF. Period to measure Duty Cycle.

  • dutyCycleLimitRF. Allowed limit in Duty Cycle usage.

  • dutyCycleThresholdRF. Percentage of Duty Cycle limit to stop transmitting frames (except ACKs).

  • ackTxDelayRF. Time between frame reception and following ACK transmission.

  • ackRxWaitTimeRF. Time to wait for ACK before retrying transmission.

  • ackConfirmWaitTimeRF. Time to wait for ACK Confirm before timing out.

  • dataConfirmWaitTimeRF. Time to wait for frame Confirm before timing out.

  • lastFrameDurationRF. Duration, in us, of the last frame received over RF medium.

  • posRecentEntriesRF. Number of POS table entries having been refreshed recently and which LQI is above adpTrickleLQIThresholdLow.

  • disablePhyRF. Flag to disable RF PHY layer.

  • rfAvailable. Flag to indicate whether RF interface is available.

  • frequencyBandRF. RF Frequency Band to use.

  • transmitAttenRF. Transmission attenuation to use for every frame, in addition to particular link configuration.

  • adaptivePowerStepRF. Step (in dBm) to lowe transmission power when requested.

  • adaptivePowerHighBoundRF. High limit of Tx Power hysteresis window.

  • adaptivePowerLowBoundRF. Low limit of Tx Power hysteresis window.

  • beaconRandomizationWindowLength. Window size to choose a random point inside to transmit a Beacon frame.

  • trickleMinLQIRF. Minimum LQI to consider a neighbour for Trickle.

