1.4.1 How the G3 PLC PAL module works


The G3 PLC Platform Abstraction Layer (PAL) module is the access point to the G3 MAC RT driver.

Figure . PLC Platform Abstraction Layer

The G3 PLC PAL module offers the necessary functions to control the G3-PLC MAC-RT layer, which include:

  • Module initialization

  • Transmitting and receiving frames

  • Accessing Parameter Information Base (PIB) to get/set configuration parameters

  • Starting a new PAN assuming PAN-Coordinator role

  • Reseting the PLC transceiver

Module Initialization

The PLC PAL is not initialized at System level (SYS_Initialize).

The first step that a client (PLC MAC) has to take when using PLC PAL is to initialize it, by calling PAL_PLC_Initialize, which takes a pointer to initialization data as parameter (this initialization data includes all the callback functions to receive events from PLC PAL and the PLC working band; see PAL_PLC_INIT for details). This will return a SYS_MODULE_OBJ, which is used to check the status of PLC PAL, by calling PAL_PLC_Status. The status is checked in each call to MAC_PLC_Tasks until PAL_PLC_STATUS_READY is returned.

Once the PLC PAL is ready, the handle (PAL_PLC_HANDLE) is obtained by calling PAL_PLC_HandleGet and it will be used to call other functions of the PLC PAL module.

Transmitting and Receiving frames

Frames are sent to the G3 Network using the PAL_PLC_TxRequest primitive. The frame must have a valid IEEE 802.15.4 MAC format with its corresponding MAC header. The result of the requested transmission is provided by PLC PAL by invoking PAL_PLC_TxConfirm callback.

Received frames are reported by PLC PAL by invoking PAL_PLC_DataIndication callback. The reception parameters are provided first by invoking PAL_PLC_RxParamsIndication callback.

Accessing Parameter Information Base (PIB)

Parameter Information Base (PIB) is a set of parameters that can be accessed for reading and/or writing. They serve mainly 2 purposes: MAC-RT/PHY layer configuration through PIB writing and information retrieval through PIB reading.

The reading and writing of parameters are made by means of PAL_PLC_GetMacRtPib and PAL_PLC_SetMacRtPib primitives, respectively.

A list of available parameters is found on MAC_RT_PIB definition (see G3 MAC RT driver documentation in Smart Energy documentation).

Starting a Network

In case a Device is intended to act as PAN-Coordinator of the network, the first step is to auto-configure itself as Coordinator and set an own PAN Identifier which will be used throughout the network. The MAC_PLC_StartRequest function does it by calling the PAL_PLC_SetCoordinator primitive, and the PAN Identifier is configured through PIB MAC_RT_PIB_PAN_ID by calling the PAL_PLC_SetMacRtPib primitive.