typedef enum
    /* RF device identifier (read-only). 16 bits */
    RF215_PIB_DEVICE_ID                        = 0x0000,

    /* RF PHY layer firmware version number (read-only).
     * 6 bytes (see DRV_RF215_FW_VERSION) */
    RF215_PIB_FW_VERSION                       = 0x0001,

    /* RF device reset (write-only). 8 bits */
    RF215_PIB_DEVICE_RESET                     = 0x0002,

    /* RF transceiver reset (write-only). 8 bits */
    RF215_PIB_TRX_RESET                        = 0x0080,

    /* RF transceiver sleep. 8 bits */
    RF215_PIB_TRX_SLEEP                        = 0x0081,

    /* RF PHY configuration. 19 bytes (see DRV_RF215_PHY_CFG_OBJ) */
    RF215_PIB_PHY_CONFIG                       = 0x0100,

    /* RF PHY band and operating mode. 16 bits (see DRV_RF215_PHY_BAND_OPM) */
    RF215_PIB_PHY_BAND_OPERATING_MODE          = 0x0101,

    /* RF channel number used for transmission and reception. 16 bits */
    RF215_PIB_PHY_CHANNEL_NUM                  = 0x0120,

    /* RF frequency in Hz used for transmit and receive (read-only). 32 bits */
    RF215_PIB_PHY_CHANNEL_FREQ_HZ              = 0x0121,

    /* Duration in us of Energy Detection for CCA. 16 bits */
    RF215_PIB_PHY_CCA_ED_DURATION_US           = 0x0141,

    /* Threshold in dBm for CCA with Energy Detection. 8 bits */
    RF215_PIB_PHY_CCA_ED_THRESHOLD_DBM         = 0x0142,

    /* Duration in symbols of Energy Detection for CCA. 16 bits */
    RF215_PIB_PHY_CCA_ED_DURATION_SYMBOLS      = 0x0143,

    /* Threshold in dB above sensitivity for CCA with Energy Detection. 8 bits */

    /* Sensitivity in dBm (according to 802.15.4). 8 bits */
    RF215_PIB_PHY_SENSITIVITY = 0x0150,

    /* Maximum TX power in dBm. 8 bits */
    RF215_PIB_PHY_MAX_TX_POWER = 0x0151,

    /* Turnaround time in us (aTurnaroundTime in IEEE 802.15.4).
     * 16 bits (read-only) */
    RF215_PIB_PHY_TURNAROUND_TIME              = 0x0160,

    /* Number of payload symbols in last transmitted message (read-only).
     * 16 bits */
    RF215_PIB_PHY_TX_PAY_SYMBOLS               = 0x0180,

    /* Number of payload symbols in last received message (read-only).
     * 16 bits */
    RF215_PIB_PHY_RX_PAY_SYMBOLS               = 0x0181,

    /* Successfully transmitted messages count (read-only). 32 bits */
    RF215_PIB_PHY_TX_TOTAL                     = 0x01A0,

    /* Successfully transmitted bytes count (read-only). 32 bits */
    RF215_PIB_PHY_TX_TOTAL_BYTES               = 0x01A1,

    /* Transmission errors count (read-only). 32 bits */
    RF215_PIB_PHY_TX_ERR_TOTAL                 = 0x01A2,

    /* Transmission errors count due to already in transmission (read-only).
     * 32 bits */
    RF215_PIB_PHY_TX_ERR_BUSY_TX               = 0x01A3,

    /* Transmission errors count due to already in reception (read-only).
     * 32 bits */
    RF215_PIB_PHY_TX_ERR_BUSY_RX               = 0x01A4,

    /* Transmission errors count due to busy channel (read-only). 32 bits */
    RF215_PIB_PHY_TX_ERR_BUSY_CHN              = 0x01A5,

    /* Transmission errors count due to bad message length (read-only).
     * 32 bits */
    RF215_PIB_PHY_TX_ERR_BAD_LEN               = 0x01A6,

    /* Transmission errors count due to bad format (read-only). 32 bits */
    RF215_PIB_PHY_TX_ERR_BAD_FORMAT            = 0x01A7,

    /* Transmission errors count due to timeout (read-only). 32 bits */
    RF215_PIB_PHY_TX_ERR_TIMEOUT               = 0x01A8,

    /* Transmission aborted count (read-only). 32 bits */
    RF215_PIB_PHY_TX_ERR_ABORTED               = 0x01A9,

    /* Transmission confirms not handled by upper layer count (read-only).
     * 32 bits */
    RF215_PIB_PHY_TX_CFM_NOT_HANDLED           = 0x01AA,

    /* Successfully received messages count (read-only). 32 bits */
    RF215_PIB_PHY_RX_TOTAL                     = 0x01B0,

    /* Successfully received bytes count (read-only). 32 bits */
    RF215_PIB_PHY_RX_TOTAL_BYTES               = 0x01B1,

    /* Reception errors count (read-only). 32 bits */
    RF215_PIB_PHY_RX_ERR_TOTAL                 = 0x01B2,

    /* Reception false positive count (read-only). 32 bits */
    RF215_PIB_PHY_RX_ERR_FALSE_POSITIVE        = 0x01B3,

    /* Reception errors count due to bad message length (read-only). 32 bits */
    RF215_PIB_PHY_RX_ERR_BAD_LEN               = 0x01B4,

    /* Reception errors count due to bad format or bad FCS in header
     * (read-only). 32 bits */
    RF215_PIB_PHY_RX_ERR_BAD_FORMAT            = 0x01B5,

    /* Reception errors count due to bad FCS in payload (read-only). 32 bits */
    RF215_PIB_PHY_RX_ERR_BAD_FCS_PAY           = 0x01B6,

    /* Reception aborted count (read-only). 32 bits */
    RF215_PIB_PHY_RX_ERR_ABORTED               = 0x01B7,

    /* Reception override (another message with higher signal level) count
     * (read-only). 32 bits */
    RF215_PIB_PHY_RX_OVERRIDE                  = 0x01B8,

    /* Reception indications not handled by upper layer count (read-only).
     * 32 bits */
    RF215_PIB_PHY_RX_IND_NOT_HANDLED           = 0x01B9,

    /* Reset PHY Statistics (write-only) */
    RF215_PIB_PHY_STATS_RESET                  = 0x01C0,

    /* Continuous LO Carrier Tx Mode. 8 bits */
    RF215_PIB_PHY_TX_CONTINUOUS                = 0x01C1,

    /* Back-off period unit in us (aUnitBackoffPeriod in IEEE 802.15.4) used for
     * CSMA-CA . 16 bits (read-only) */
    RF215_PIB_MAC_UNIT_BACKOFF_PERIOD          = 0x0200,



Defines the list of PIB attributes.


This data type defines the list of available PIB attributes in RF215 driver. PIB values can be read by DRV_RF215_GetPib and written by DRV_RF215_SetPib. DRV_RF215_GetPibSize can be used to know the size of each PIB.

The following table describes each PIB attribute.

PIB AttributeAccessTypeDefaultRangeDescription
RF215_PIB_DEVICE_IDGetuint16_t0x02150x0215RF device identifier
RF215_PIB_FW_VERSIONGetDRV_RF215_FW_VERSIONNANARF215 driver firmware version
RF215_PIB_DEVICE_RESETSetuint8_tNA0 - 255Writting any value performs a RF215 device reset (using reset pin)
RF215_PIB_TRX_RESETSetuint8_tNA0 - 255Writting any value performs a RF215 transceiver reset (using reset command). If dual-band is used, only one transceiver is reset.
RF215_PIB_TRX_SLEEPGet/Setboolfalsetrue/falseRF215 transceiver sleep (true) / wake-up (false). If dual-band is used, only one transceiver is slept / woken-up.
RF215_PIB_PHY_CONFIGGet/SetDRV_RF215_PHY_CFG_OBJDepends on MCC configurationNARF PHY configuration. It includes PHY type (FSK/OFDM), frequency configuration and CCA configuration.
RF215_PIB_PHY_BAND_OPERATING_MODEGet/SetDRV_RF215_PHY_BAND_OPMDepends on MCC configurationSee DRV_RF215_PHY_BAND_OPMRF PHY band and operating mode. It is similar to RF215_PIB_PHY_CONFIG, but it allows to configure easily the PHY configuration corresponding to standard band and operating modes defined in IEEE 802.15.4-2020.
RF215_PIB_PHY_CHANNEL_NUMGet/Setuint16_tDepends on MCC configurationDepends on PHY configuration (RF215_PIB_PHY_CONFIG / RF215_PIB_PHY_BAND_OPERATING_MODE)RF channel number used for reception and transmission. The actual frequency of the channel (RF215_PIB_PHY_CHANNEL_FREQ_HZ) will depend on channel center frequency and channel spacing (RF215_PIB_PHY_CONFIG / RF215_PIB_PHY_BAND_OPERATING_MODE). If frequency hopping support is enabled in MCC, the channel number used for transmission is provided in DRV_RF215_TxRequest and the channel number used for reception can also be changed with DRV_RF215_SetChannelRequest.
RF215_PIB_PHY_CHANNEL_FREQ_HZGetuint32_tDepends on MCC configuration389500000 - 510000000, 779000000 - 1020000000, 2400000000 - 2483500000RF frequency in Hz used for reception and transmission. It depends on PHY configuration (RF215_PIB_PHY_CONFIG / RF215_PIB_PHY_BAND_OPERATING_MODE) and channel number (RF215_PIB_PHY_CHANNEL_NUM). If frequency hopping support is enabled in MCC, it is only the frequency used for reception.
RF215_PIB_PHY_CCA_ED_DURATION_USGet/Setuint16_tDepends on MCC configuration10 - 65535Duration in us of Energy Detection for CCA. This is also included in PHY configuration (RF215_PIB_PHY_CONFIG / RF215_PIB_PHY_BAND_OPERATING_MODE).
RF215_PIB_PHY_CCA_ED_THRESHOLD_DBMGet/Setint8_tDepends on MCC configuration-128 - 127Threshold in dBm for CCA with Energy Detection. This is also included in PHY configuration (RF215_PIB_PHY_CONFIG / RF215_PIB_PHY_BAND_OPERATING_MODE).
RF215_PIB_PHY_CCA_ED_DURATION_SYMBOLSGet/Setuint16_tDepends on MCC configuration1 - 26214Duration in symbols of Energy Detection for CCA. This is also included in PHY configuration (RF215_PIB_PHY_CONFIG / RF215_PIB_PHY_BAND_OPERATING_MODE).
RF215_PIB_PHY_CCA_ED_THRESHOLD_SENSITIVITYGet/Setint8_tDepends on MCC configuration-34 - 127Threshold in dB above sensitivity for CCA with Energy Detection. This is also included in PHY configuration (RF215_PIB_PHY_CONFIG / RF215_PIB_PHY_BAND_OPERATING_MODE).
RF215_PIB_PHY_SENSITIVITYGetint8_tDepends on MCC configuration-94 - -82Sensitivity in dBm (according to 802.15.4).
RF215_PIB_PHY_MAX_TX_POWERGetint8_tDepends on MCC configuration14Maximum TX power in dBm.
RF215_PIB_PHY_TURNAROUND_TIMEGetuint16_tDepends on MCC configuration1000 (FSK), 1080 (OFDM)Turnaround time in us (aTurnaroundTime in IEEE 802.15.4). It depends on PHY type (FSK/OFDM)
RF215_PIB_PHY_TX_PAY_SYMBOLSGetuint16_t01 - 32768Number of payload symbols in the last transmitted message
RF215_PIB_PHY_RX_PAY_SYMBOLSGetuint16_t01 - 32768Number of payload symbols in the last received message
RF215_PIB_PHY_TX_TOTALGetuint32_t00 - 4294967295Counter of successfully transmitted messages
RF215_PIB_PHY_TX_TOTAL_BYTESGetuint32_t00 - 4294967295Counter of successfully transmitted bytes
RF215_PIB_PHY_TX_ERR_TOTALGetuint32_t00 - 4294967295Counter of transmission errors
RF215_PIB_PHY_TX_ERR_BUSY_TXGetuint32_t00 - 4294967295Counter of transmission errors due to already in transmission
RF215_PIB_PHY_TX_ERR_BUSY_RXGetuint32_t00 - 4294967295Counter of transmission errors because a message is being received
RF215_PIB_PHY_TX_ERR_BUSY_CHNGetuint32_t00 - 4294967295Counter of transmission errors due to busy channel (Energy Detection)
RF215_PIB_PHY_TX_ERR_BAD_LENGetuint32_t00 - 4294967295Counter of transmission errors due to invalid message length
RF215_PIB_PHY_TX_ERR_BAD_FORMATGetuint32_t00 - 4294967295Counter of transmission errors due to invalid parameters
RF215_PIB_PHY_TX_ERR_TIMEOUTGetuint32_t00 - 4294967295Counter of transmission errors due to timeout
RF215_PIB_PHY_TX_ERR_ABORTEDGetuint32_t00 - 4294967295Counter of aborted transmissions
RF215_PIB_PHY_TX_CFM_NOT_HANDLEDGetuint32_t00 - 4294967295Counter of transmission confirms not handled by upper layer
RF215_PIB_PHY_RX_TOTALGetuint32_t00 - 4294967295Counter of successfully received messages
RF215_PIB_PHY_RX_TOTAL_BYTESGetuint32_t00 - 4294967295Counter of successfully received bytes
RF215_PIB_PHY_RX_ERR_TOTALGetuint32_t00 - 4294967295Counter of reception errors
RF215_PIB_PHY_RX_ERR_FALSE_POSITIVEGetuint32_t00 - 4294967295Counter of reception false positives (preamble detection)
RF215_PIB_PHY_RX_ERR_BAD_LENGetuint32_t00 - 4294967295Counter of reception errors due to invalid message length
RF215_PIB_PHY_RX_ERR_BAD_FORMATGetuint32_t00 - 4294967295Counter of reception errors due to invalid format or invalid FCS in header
RF215_PIB_PHY_RX_ERR_BAD_FCS_PAYGetuint32_t00 - 4294967295Counter of reception errors due to invalid FCS in payload
RF215_PIB_PHY_RX_ERR_ABORTEDGetuint32_t00 - 4294967295Counter of aborted receptions
RF215_PIB_PHY_RX_OVERRIDEGetuint32_t00 - 4294967295Counter of reception overrides (another message with higher signal level)
RF215_PIB_PHY_RX_IND_NOT_HANDLEDGetuint32_t00 - 4294967295Counter of reception indications not handled by upper layer
RF215_PIB_PHY_STATS_RESETSetuint8_tNA0 - 255Writting any value sets all statistics (RF215_PIB_PHY_TX_TOTAL to RF215_PIB_PHY_RX_IND_NOT_HANDLED) to 0
RF215_PIB_PHY_TX_CONTINUOUSGet/Setboolfalsetrue/falseEnables (true) / disables (false) continuous LO Carrier transmission. It can be used to measure RF frequency tolerance.
RF215_PIB_MAC_UNIT_BACKOFF_PERIODGetuint16_tDepends on MCC configuration1000 - 65535Back-off period unit in us (aUnitBackoffPeriod in IEEE 802.15.4) used for CSMA-CA . It is the sum of RF215_PIB_PHY_TURNAROUND_TIME and RF215_PIB_PHY_CCA_ED_DURATION.


If dual-band is used, the PIB values are different for each transceiver.