1.1.3 Metrology Driver

This driver defines the interface of Microchip smart meter PIC32CXMTSH/C metrology firmware. It describes the metrology control registers, metrology status registers and the quantities which shall be directly computed and available through the metrology interface registers, as well as provides pertinent definitions required for proper coding.

Key Features:

  • This metrology driver has been designed based on Microchip PIC32CXMTSH/C series SoC, featuring industrial 0.2s accuracy class over a dynamic range of 3000:1

  • Supports single-phase and bi-phase smart energy applications, including an internal energy metering analog front end (PIC32CXMTSH)

  • Supports three-phases smart metering applications, based on an external ATSENSE301HA analog front end (PIC32CXMTC)

  • Supports the internal firmware upload process from Core 0 to Core 1

  • Supports IPC interrupt handling to read events originated by the metrology library running in Core 1

  • Supports write/read to/from the metrology registers

  • Supports special functions: Waveform capture, Harmonic Analysis and auto Calibration process.

  • The library can be used in both Bare-Metal and RTOS environments