Library Interface

RF215 driver library provides the following interfaces:


DRV_RF215_InitializeInitializes the RF215 driver
DRV_RF215_StatusGets the current status of the RF215 driver module
DRV_RF215_TasksMaintains the RF215 driver's state machine
DRV_RF215_OpenOpens the specified RF215 driver instance and returns a handle to it
DRV_RF215_CloseCloses an opened-instance of the RF215 driver
DRV_RF215_RxIndCallbackRegisterAllows a client to set an event handling function for the driver to call back when a new PPDU is received
DRV_RF215_TxCfmCallbackRegisterAllows a client to set an event handling function for the driver to call back when a transmission request has finished
DRV_RF215_TxRequestAllows a client to request data transmission through RF
DRV_RF215_TxCancelAllows a client to cancel a previously requested transmission
DRV_RF215_GetPibSizeGets size of PIB attribute
DRV_RF215_GetPibGets value of PIB attribute
DRV_RF215_SetPibSets value of PIB attribute

Data types and constants

DRV_RF215_TX_HANDLETypedefHandle identifying the transmission request queued
DRV_RF215_TX_HANDLE_INVALIDMacroDefinition of an invalid transmission handle
DRV_RF215_TRX_IDEnumDefines the available RF215 transceivers
DRV_RF215_RX_IND_CALLBACKTypedefPointer to a RF215 driver receive indication callback function
DRV_RF215_TX_CFM_CALLBACKTypedefPointer to a RF215 driver transmit confirm callback function
DRV_RF215_PHY_BAND_OPMEnumDefines the available PHY bands and operating modes
DRV_RF215_FSK_SYM_RATEEnumDefines the available FSK symbol rates
DRV_RF215_FSK_MOD_IDXEnumDefines the available FSK modulation indexes
DRV_RF215_FSK_MOD_ORDEnumDefines the available FSK modulation orders
DRV_RF215_OFDM_BW_OPTEnumDefines the available OFDM bandwidth options
DRV_RF215_OFDM_ITLV_MODEEnumDefines the available OFDM interleaving modes
DRV_RF215_PHY_TYPEEnumDefines the available PHY types
DRV_RF215_PHY_MOD_SCHEMEEnumDefines the available PHY modulation schemes
DRV_RF215_PHY_CCA_MODEEnumDefines the available PHY CCA (Clear Channel Assessment) modes
DRV_RF215_TX_TIME_MODEEnumDefines the available TX time modes
DRV_RF215_TX_TIDRV_RF215_TX_RESULTME_MODEEnumDefines the possible PHY transmission results
DRV_RF215_PIB_ATTRIBUTEEnumDefines the list of PIB attributes
DRV_RF215_PIB_RESULTEnumDefines the list of PIB results
DRV_RF215_FSK_CFG_OBJStructDefines the data required to configure the RF215 FSK PHY
DRV_RF215_OFDM_CFG_OBJStructDefines the data required to configure the RF215 OFDM PHY
DRV_RF215_PHY_TYPE_CFG_OBJUnionDefines the data required to configure the RF215 FSK/OFDM PHY
DRV_RF215_PHY_CFG_OBJStructDefines the data required to configure the RF215 PHY
DRV_RF215_RX_INDICATION_OBJStructDefines the data reported in RF215 RX indication
DRV_RF215_TX_REQUEST_OBJStructDefines the parameters for TX request
DRV_RF215_TX_CONFIRM_OBJStructDefines the data reported in RF215 TX confirm
DRV_RF215_FW_VERSIONStructDefines the RF215 Driver firmware version data
DRV_RF215_PLIB_SPI_IS_BUSYTypedefPointer to a PLIB function to check if SPI transmitter is busy
DRV_RF215_PLIB_SPI_SET_CSTypedefPointer to a PLIB function to set the SPI chip select line
DRV_RF215_INITStructDefines the data required to initialize the RF215 driver