DRV_RF215_Open Function


    const SYS_MODULE_INDEX index,
    const DRV_RF215_TRX_ID trxID


Opens the specified RF215 driver instance and returns a handle to it.


This routine opens the specified RF215 driver instance and provides a handle that must be provided to all other client-level operations to identify the caller and the instance of the driver. The trxID parameter defines the RF215 transceiver (Sub-GHz or 2.4GHz) used by the client.


indexIdentifier for the object instance to be opened. Only one instance (index 0) supported.
trxIDIdentifier of the RF215 transceiver (Sub-GHz or 2.4GHz) used by the client.


If successful, the routine returns a valid open-instance handle (a number identifying both the caller and the module instance).

If an error occurs, the return value is DRV_HANDLE_INVALID. Error can occur

  • if the number of clients allocated via MCC is insufficient.

  • if the specified instance index is not supported.

  • if the specified RF215 transceiver is not supported or disabled via MCC.

  • if the driver instance being opened is not ready to be opened (not initialized, initialization in progress or in error state because of wrong peripheral/hardware configuration).


SYS_MODULE_OBJ sysObjDrvRf215; // Returned from DRV_RF215_Initialize
SYS_STATUS drvRf215Status;
DRV_HANDLE drvRf215Handle;

drvRf215Status = DRV_RF215_Status(sysObjDrvRf215);
if (drvRf215Status == SYS_STATUS_READY)
    // This means now the driver can be opened using DRV_RF215_Open routine
    drvRf215Handle = DRV_RF215_Open(DRV_RF215_INDEX_0, RF215_TRX_ID_RF09);
    if (drvRf215Handle != DRV_HANDLE_INVALID)
        // Driver opened successfully


The handle returned is valid until the DRV_RF215_Close routine is called.