WDRV_WINC_STATUS WDRV_WINC_MQTTPublish ( DRV_HANDLE handle, const WDRV_WINC_MQTT_MSG_INFO *pMsgInfo, const char *pTopicName, const uint8_t *pTopicData, size_t topicDataLen, WDRV_WINC_MQTT_PUB_STATUS_CALLBACK pfPubStatusCb, uintptr_t pubStatusCbCtx, WDRV_WINC_MQTT_PUB_HANDLE *pPubHandle )
Publish a message to an MQTT topic.
Publishes a message to an MQTT topic.
WDRV_WINC_Initialize should have been called. WDRV_WINC_Open should have been called to obtain a valid handle.
handle - Client handle obtained by a call to WDRV_WINC_Open.
pMsgInfo - Pointer to message information if required.
pTopicName - Pointer to topic name.
pTopicData - Pointer to data to publish to topic.
topicDataLen - Length of data to publish.
pfPubStatusCb - Pointer to publish status callback.
pubStatusCbCtx - User context to be passed to callback when called.
pPubHandle - Pointer to handle to receive short term publish handle.
WDRV_WINC_STATUS_OK - A scan was initiated.
WDRV_WINC_STATUS_NOT_OPEN - The driver instance is not open.
WDRV_WINC_STATUS_REQUEST_ERROR - The request to the WINC was rejected.
WDRV_WINC_STATUS_INVALID_ARG - The parameters were incorrect.
The publish handle returned is only valid until the callback is called with both a handle and a packet ID, after which the handle is no longer valid and should be discarded. Further updates to the callback will use the packet ID. This is only relevant to QoS 1 and 2.