Connection Acknowledgement Properties

Connection Acknowledgement properties can be received in a CONNACK message in the WDRV_WINC_MQTT_CONNACK_PROP as part of the WDRV_WINC_MQTT_CONN_INFO structure via the WDRV_WINC_MQTT_CONN_STATUS_CALLBACK supplied to WDRV_WINC_MQTTConnect.

IDNameDefault ValueValid Values
17Session Expiry Interval0>0
18Assigned Client Identifier0>0
33Receive Maximum0>0
34Topic Alias Maximum0>0
36Maximum QoS2<2
37Retain Availabletruen/a
39Maximum Packet Size0>0
40Wildcard Subscription Availabletruen/a
41Subscription Identifier Availabletruen/a
42Shared Subscription Availabletruen/a

Default values indicate what the WDRV_WINC_MQTT_CONNACK_PROP will default to before a connection, once a connection has been established only values received will be updated.