Message Information

Message information can be included when calling either WDRV_WINC_MQTTPublish or WDRV_WINC_MQTTLWTSet.

Message information can also be received in a PUBLISH message via the WDRV_WINC_MQTT_SUBSCRIBE_CALLBACK supplied to WDRV_WINC_MQTTSubscribe.

WDRV_WINC_MQTTMsgInfoDefaultSet is used to initialize a WDRV_WINC_MQTT_MSG_INFO structure, then the following functions can be used to set the selected properties:

NameSet Function
Publish PropertiesWDRV_WINC_MQTTMsgInfoPubPropSet

When a PUBLISH message is received a WDRV_WINC_MQTT_SUBSCRIBE_CALLBACK callback registered with WDRV_WINC_MQTTSubscribe will be called, included will be the received message information.