typedef struct { unsigned int paDir : 1; unsigned int pbDir : 1; unsigned int pcDir : 1; unsigned int ptDir : 1; unsigned int qaDir : 1; unsigned int qbDir : 1; unsigned int qcDir : 1; unsigned int qtDir : 1; unsigned int sagA : 1; unsigned int sagB : 1; unsigned int sagC : 1; unsigned int reserved1 : 1; unsigned int swellA : 1; unsigned int swellB : 1; unsigned int swellC : 1; unsigned int reserved2 : 17; } DRV_METROLOGY_AFE_EVENTS;
dentifies all events related to metrology library.
Field description:
paDir. Identifies the sign of the active power in channel A. "1" means a negative value, "0" is a positive value.
pbDir. Identifies the sign of the active power in channel B. "1" means a negative value, "0" is a positive value.
pcDir. Identifies the sign of the active power in channel C. "1" means a negative value, "0" is a positive value.
ptDir. Identifies the sign of the total active power in all channels. "1" means a negative value, "0" is a positive value.
qaDir. Identifies the sign of the reactive power in channel A. "1" means a negative value, "0" is a positive value.
qbDir. Identifies the sign of the reactive power in channel B. "1" means a negative value, "0" is a positive value.
qcDir. Identifies the sign of the reactive power in channel C. "1" means a negative value, "0" is a positive value.
qtDir. Identifies the sign of the total reactive power in all channels. "1" means a negative value, "0" is a positive value.
sagA. Voltage Sag Detected Flag for Channel A. "1" means that voltage sag is detected.
sagB. Voltage Sag Detected Flag for Channel B. "1" means that voltage sag is detected.
sagC. Voltage Sag Detected Flag for Channel C. "1" means that voltage sag is detected.
swellA. Voltage Swell Detected Flag for Channel A. "1" means that voltage Swell is detected.
swellB. Voltage Swell Detected Flag for Channel B. "1" means that voltage Swell is detected.
swellC. Voltage Swell Detected Flag for Channel C. "1" means that voltage Swell is detected.