Library Interface

RF PHY Sniffer library provides the following interfaces:


SRV_RSERIAL_GetCommandExtracts command field from serial frame
SRV_RSERIAL_ParsePIBExtracts PIB information from get/set PIB serial frame
SRV_RSERIAL_SerialGetPIBSerializes a response to a get PIB command
SRV_RSERIAL_SerialSetPIBSerializes a response to a set PIB command
SRV_RSERIAL_ParseTxMessageTrxIdExtracts the TRX identifier from SRV_RSERIAL_CMD_PHY_SEND_MSG serial frame
SRV_RSERIAL_ParseTxMessageExtracts a RF frame to be transmitted from SRV_RSERIAL_CMD_PHY_SEND_MSG serial frame
SRV_RSERIAL_SetTxHandleSets the TX handle for the last TX request
SRV_RSERIAL_SerialRxMessageSerializes a received RF frame and its related information
SRV_RSERIAL_SerialCfmMessageSerializes the result of a RF transmitted frame

Data types and constants

SRV_RSERIAL_COMMANDEnumRF PHY Tester Tool commands enumeration