typedef union { uint32_t val; struct _TCPRxStatusBM { uint32_t len : 12; uint32_t offset : 2; uint32_t bSof : 1; uint32_t bEof : 1; uint32_t bCFI : 1; uint32_t vlanPriority : 3; uint32_t bPriorityDetected : 1; uint32_t bVlanDetected : 1; uint32_t bTypeIDMatch : 1; uint32_t bAddr4Match : 1; uint32_t bAddr3Match : 1; uint32_t bAddr2Match : 1; uint32_t bAddr1Match : 1; uint32_t reserved : 1; uint32_t bExtAddrMatch : 1; uint32_t bUniHashMatch : 1; uint32_t bMultiHashMatch : 1; uint32_t bBroadcastDetected : 1; } bm; } TCPIP_MAC_PACKET_RX_STAT_PIC32C;


PIC32C Received Packet Status.

This structure contains the status of a PIC32C received packet.


len : 12Length of frame including FCS.
offset : 2Receive buffer offest, bits 13:12 of frame length for jumbo frame.
bSof : 1Start of frame.
bEof : 1End of frame.
bCFI : 1Concatenation Format Indicator.
vlanPriority : 3VLAN priority (if VLAN detected).
bPriorityDetected : 1Priority tag detected.
bVlanDetected : 1< VLAN tag detected.
bTypeIDMatch : 1< Type ID match.
bAddr4Match : 1< Address register 4 match.
bAddr3Match : 1< Address register 3 match.
bAddr2Match : 1< Address register 2 match.
bAddr1Match : 1< Address register 1 match.
bExtAddrMatch : 1< External address match.
bUniHashMatch : 1< Unicast hash match.
bMultiHashMatch : 1< Multicast hash match.
bBroadcastDetected : 1< Global all ones broadcast address detected.


MACs have different hardware support for the received packet status.