1.2.5 PIC32MZ Embedded Graphics with Stacked DRAM (DA) Starter Kit (Crypto): Building and Running the USB Host MSD Bootloader applications

Downloading and building the application

To clone or download these application from Github,go to the main page of this repository and then click Clone button to clone this repo or download as zip file. This content can also be download using content manager by following these instructions

Path of the application within the repository is apps/usb_host_msd_bootloader/

To build the application, refer to the following table and open the project using its IDE.

Running the Application

  1. Open the test application project test_app/firmware/pic32mz_das_sk.X in the IDE

  2. Build the project to generate the binary (Do not program the binary)

  3. Open the bootloader project bootloader/firmware/pic32mz_das_sk.X in the IDE

  4. Build and program the application using the IDE

  5. LED1 will be Turned On once programming is completed and bootloader starts running

  6. Open the Terminal application (Ex.:Tera Term) on the computer to get test application messages through UART once bootloaded

  7. Configure the serial port settings as follows:

    • Baud : 115200

    • Data : 8 Bits

    • Parity : None

    • Stop : 1 Bit

    • Flow Control : None

  8. Copy the generated application binary file to a USB Flash drive from the Host PC

    • <harmony3_path>\bootloader_apps_usb\apps\usb_host_msd_bootloader\test_app\firmware\pic32mz_das_sk.X\dist\pic32mz_das_sk\production\pic32mz_das_sk.X.production.bin

  9. Rename the copied application binary file to image.bin

  10. Insert the USB Flash Drive with the application binary image.bin to the Host connector on the device

  11. Once the application is successfully programmed LED3 should start blinking and you should see below output on the console

  12. Remove the USB Flash Drive from the Host connector

  13. Press and hold the Switch SW1 to trigger Bootloader from test application and you should see below output

  14. Repeat Steps 10-12 once and jump to Step-15

    • This step is to verify that bootloader is running after triggering bootloader from test application in Step 13

  15. Press and hold the Switch SW1 and then Power cycle the device to force trigger bootloader at startup

  16. Repeat Steps 10-12 once

    • This step is to verify whether bootloader is triggered by switch press at reset