1 MPLAB® Harmony 3 USB Bootloader Application Examples

MPLAB® Harmony 3 is an extension of the MPLAB® ecosystem for creating embedded firmware solutions for Microchip 32-bit SAM and PIC® microcontroller and microprocessor devices. Refer to the following links for more information.

This repository contains the MPLAB® Harmony 3 USB Bootloader application examples

Bootloader Library

Refer to Bootloader Library Help for understanding

  • Bootloader framework

  • How the Bootloader library works

  • Bootloader library configurations

  • Bootloader memory layout

Bootloader Examples

The following applications are provided to demonstrate the USB bootloader

USB Device HID BootloaderThis example application shows how to use the Bootloader Library to bootload an application using USB Device HID protocol
USB Device HID Live UpdateThis example application shows how to use the Bootloader Library as a Live Update application using USB Device HID protocol on devices with Dual Bank Support
USB Host MSD BootloaderThis example application shows how to use the Bootloader Library to bootload an application using USB Host MSD protocol