1.4.3 CAN Bootloader Configurations

Bootloader Specific User Configurations

For devices with Dual Bank support and No Data Cache


For devices with No Dual Bank support and Data Cache

  • Bootloader Peripheral Used:

    • Specifies the communication peripheral used by bootloader to receive the application

    • The name of the peripheral will vary from device to device

  • Bootloader NVM Memory Used:

    • Specifies the memory peripheral used by bootloader to perform flash operations

    • The name of the peripheral will vary from device to device

  • Bootloader Size (Bytes):

    • Specifies the maximum size of flash required by the bootloader

    • This size is calculated based on Bootloader type and Memory used

    • This size will vary from device to device and should always be aligned to device erase unit size

  • Enable Bootloader Trigger From Firmware:

    • This Option can be used to Force Trigger bootloader from application firmware after a soft reset. It does so by reserving the specified number of bytes in SRAM from the start of the RAM. The reserved memory is updated by the application with a pre-defined pattern. The bootloader firmware in the bootloader_Trigger() routine, can check the reserved memory for the pre-defined pattern and enter bootloader mode if the pattern matches.

    • Number Of Bytes To Reserve From Start Of RAM:

      • This option adds the provided offset to RAM Start address in bootloader linker script.

      • Application firmware can store some pattern in the reserved bytes region from RAM start for bootloader to check at reset in bootloader_Trigger() function

  • Use Dual Bank For Safe Flash Update:

    • Used to configure bootloader to use Dual banks of device to upload the application

    • This option is visible only for devices supporting Dual flash banks

  • Select MPU Region to configure non-cacheable memory:

    • Used to select the MPU region for which he SRAM has been configured as non-cahceable space

    • Configure the region selected above in MPU settings of MCC as shown in Bootloader MPU Configurations

    • A seperate section will be created for this region in the custom linker script generated for bootloader

    • This option is visible only for devices which have Data cache.

Bootloader MPU Configurations

  • Open MPU settings from MCC->Tools option. Select Enable MPU

  • Configure the region selected in Bootloader component as ram_nocache with other parameters as shown


Bootloader Linker code for ram_nochache

  • For CAN bootloader below xxx_message_ram section will be added to the custom linker file generated

    • Note: xxx should be replaced with the CAN PLIB being used.

    • Example: MCAN1


  /* The address mentioned here should match with address mentioned in MPU settings */
  ram_nocache (RWX) : ORIGIN = 0x2045f000, LENGTH = (1 << (11 + 1))



.mcan1_message_ram (NOLOAD):
    . = ALIGN(4);
    _s_mcan1_message_ram = .;
    . = ALIGN(4);
    _e_mcan1_message_ram = .;
} > ram_nocache

  • CAN Bootloader will use this section to to allocate MCAN Message RAM configuration in contiguous non-cacheable buffer

static uint8_t CACHE_ALIGN __attribute__((space(data), section (".mcan1_message_ram"))) mcan1MessageRAM[MCAN1_MESSAGE_RAM_CONFIG_SIZE];

/* Set MCAN1 Message RAM Configuration */

Bootloader System Configurations

  • Application Start Address (Hex):

    • Start address of the application which will programmed by bootloader

    • This value is filled by bootloader when its loaded which is equal to the bootloader size. It can be modified as per user need

    • This value will be used by bootloader to Jump to application at device reset


  • For optimizing the code Bootloader component disables generation of default interrupt and exception files as shown below

  • Enabling these interrupts explicitly may still not work as bootloader uses custom startup file which has its own Interrupt table populating only the reset handler
