typedef struct
    uint8_t channel;
    uint8_t channelPage;
    uint16_t srcPanId;
    uint16_t dstPanId;
    uint16_t srcAddress;
    uint64_t extendedSrcAddress;
    uint8_t srcAddrMode;
    uint16_t dstAddress;
    uint64_t extendedDstAddress;
    uint8_t dstAddrMode;
    int8_t txPowerDBm;
    uint8_t txPower;
    uint64_t ieeeAddress;
    uint64_t dstIeeeAddress;
    bool unicastFlagPredefData;
    bool unicastFlagUserDefData;
    PHY_Retval_t pibAttributeStatus;
    ED_SCAN edScan;
    CCA cca;
    CSMA csma;
    bool PromiscuousMode;
    uint8_t frameRetry;
    uint8_t maxBE;
    uint8_t minBE;
    bool ackReq;
    uint8_t frameType;
    uint8_t frameOverHead;
    uint64_t nPacketsSent;
    uint64_t nBytesSent;
    uint64_t nPacketsRcvdAck;
    PHY_Retval_t txStatusFrameSent;
    PHY_Retval_t txDoneCbStatus;
    uint64_t nPerTestPackets;


The structure contains the general PAN Network information about the devices (2 communicatng Peer Devices - Source and Destination Devices). To update the device table, console commands can be used. Please refer Command Table section for more details.

Field Documentation

Field Description
channel Channel
channelPage Channel Page
srcPanId Source PAN ID 16 bits
dstPanId Destination PAN ID 16 bits
srcAddress Source Address - 16 bits
extendedSrcAddress Extended Source Address - 64 bits
srcAddrMode Source Address Mode
dstAddress DestinationAddress - 16 bits
extendedDstAddress Extended DestinationAddress - 64 bits
dstAddrMode Destination Address Mode
txPowerDBm Transmit Power in DBm
txPower TX Power
ieeeAddress Extended Source Address - 64 bits
dstIeeeAddress Extended DestinationAddress - 64 bits
unicastFlagPredefData Flag for Application purpose
unicastFlagUserDefData Flag for Application purpose
pibAttributeStatus Attribute Status structure to store status of pibGet and pibSet Attributes
edScan ED Scan
cca CCA
csma CSMA
PromiscuousMode Boolean to enable Promiscous RX Mode
frameRetry MAC level Frame Retry
ackReq bool to enable/disable Ack request during packet Transmit
frameType Type of frame to be transmitted
frameOverHead No. of overhead octets in TX frame
nPacketsSent No. of packets receiving TX Done CB
nBytesSent No. of bytes receiving TX Done CB
nPacketsRcvdAck No. of packets receiving Ack
txStatusFrameSent Status of TX Frames Sent
txDoneCbStatus Status of transmitted packets after TX Done Cb is recived
nPerTestPackets No. of packets sent in Packet Error Rate Test Mode