typedef struct
    /* PLC SPI PLIB Transfer Setup */
    DRV_PLC_SPI_PLIB_TRANSFER_SETUP        spiPlibTransferSetup;

    /* SPI Is Busy */
    DRV_PLC_SPI_ISBUSY                     spiIsBusy; /* Only visible if MCU does not have DMA or SPI splitter is used */

    /* SPI Set Chip Select */
    DRV_PLC_SPI_SET_CS                     spiSetChipSelect; /* Only visible if SPI splitter is used and SPI peripheral manages multiple CS pins */

    /* SPI transmit DMA channel. */
    SYS_DMA_CHANNEL                        dmaChannelTx; /* Only visible if MCU has DMA */

    /* SPI receive DMA channel. */
    SYS_DMA_CHANNEL                        dmaChannelRx; /* Only visible if MCU has DMA */

    /* SPI transmit register address used for DMA operation. */
    void                                   *spiAddressTx; /* Only visible if MCU has DMA */

    /* SPI receive register address used for DMA operation. */
    void                                   *spiAddressRx; /* Only visible if MCU has DMA */

    /* SPI Write/Read */
    DRV_PLC_SPI_WRITE_READ                 spiWriteRead; /* Only visible if MCU does not have DMA */

    /* SPI Chip select pin */
    SYS_PORT_PIN                           spiCSPin; /* Only visible if SPI does not manage CS pin (SERCOM) */

    /* SPI clock frequency */
    uint32_t                               spiClockFrequency;

    /* PLC LDO enable pin */
    SYS_PORT_PIN                           ldoPin;

    /* PLC reset pin */
    SYS_PORT_PIN                           resetPin;

    /* PLC external interrupt pin */
    SYS_PORT_PIN                           extIntPin; /* Only visible if MCU does not have EIC interrupt management peripheral */
    EIC_PIN                                extIntPin; /* Only visible if MCU has EIC interrupt management peripheral */

    /* PLC external interrupt pio */
    SYS_PORT_PIN                           extIntPio;

    /* PLC Tx Enable pin */
    SYS_PORT_PIN                           txEnablePin; /* Only visible if PL460 Driver is used */

    /* PLC StandBy Pin */
    SYS_PORT_PIN                           stByPin; /* Only visible if SLEEP MODE is enabled on Driver Configuration */

    /* PLC Thermal Monitor pin */
    SYS_PORT_PIN                           thMonPin; /* Only visible if PL460 Driver is used and THERMAL MONITOR is enabled on Driver Configuration */



Contains the data required to initialize the PLC driver PLIB Interface.


This structure contains the objects needed to initialize the driver access SPI and Control Lines to manage PLC transceiver.

Field description:

  • spiPlibTransferSetup: Pointer to SPI Transfer Setup function.

  • spiIsBusy: Pointer to SPI Is Busy function. Only available if MCU does not have DMA or SPI splitter is used.

  • spiSetChipSelect: Pointer to SPI Set Chip Select function. Only available if MCU does not have DMA or SPI splitter is used.

  • dmaChannelTx: SPI transmit DMA channel. Only available if MCU has DMA.

  • dmaChannelRx: SPI receive DMA channel. Only available if MCU has DMA.

  • spiAddressTx: SPI transmit register address used for DMA operation. Only available if MCU has DMA.

  • spiAddressRx: SPI receive register address used for DMA operation. Only available if MCU has DMA.

  • spiWriteRead: Pointer to SPI Write/Read function. Only available if MCU does not have DMA.

  • spiCSPin: Port connected to Chip Select pin of PLC transceiver. Only available if SPI does not manage CS pin (SERCOM).

  • spiClockFrequency: SPI Clock frequency to use with PLC transceiver.

  • ldoPin: Port connected to LDO pin of PLC transceiver.

  • resetPin: Port connected to Reset pin of PLC transceiver.

  • extIntPin: Port connected to External Interrupt pin of PLC transceiver.

  • extIntPio: Port connected to External Interrupt pin of PLC transceiver.

  • txEnablePin: Port connected to Tx Enable pin of PLC transceiver. Only available if PL460 Driver is used.

  • stByPin: Port connected to Standby (Sleep) pin of PLC transceiver. Only available if SLEEP MODE is enabled on Driver Configuration.

  • thMonPin: Port connected to Thermal Monitor pin of PLC transceiver. Only available if PL460 Driver is used and THERMAL MONITOR is enabled on Driver Configuration.

