TCPIP_HTTP_NET_DynamicFileInclude Function


bool TCPIP_HTTP_NET_DynamicFileInclude(
    const TCPIP_HTTP_DYN_VAR_DCPT* varDcpt, 
    const char* fileName


This function allows an entire file to be included as part of a dynamic variable processing. This reduces unneeded duplication of visual elements such as headers, menus, etc.

This function is NOT meant for the processing of the "inc" keyword in the web pages (see the Remarks section below).




connHandleHTTP connection handle.
fileNameThe name of the file to be included.


  • True - if the call succeeded.

  • False - if the file could not be opened.


The function allows to insert a file, as part of the dynamic variable processing. Should be called ONLY from within a dynamic variable processing function context (i.e. from within a dynamicPrint() function). The connHandle and varDcpt need to be valid handles.

The included file can contain dynamic variables. However there's a limit for recursive calls (see TCPIP_HTTP_NET_MAX_RECURSE_LEVEL()).

The file is just added to the processing queue. Returning true does not mean that the whole file has been already sent to the connection.

If the function returns true but an error occurs during the file processing an event will be reported using the template_EventReport() callback.

If the function returns false an event will be reported using the template_EventReport() callback with additional info.

Please note that the processing of HTTP dynamic keywords in the HTML code such as inc:filename.ext is processed internally by the HTTP module. For such a dynamic variable, control is not passed to the user.