2.1.5 Add other Harmony modules

  1. Switch to Project Graph window in MPLABX IDE. By default, the Root Layer is visible.
  2. Add SYS_CONSOLE and USART dependency.
    1. Right Click on SYS_CONSOLE dependency button on TCP/IP STACK box.
    2. Select SatisfiersCONSOLE
    3. Right Click on UART dependency button on CONSOLE module.
    4. Select SatisfiersUSART1
  3. Add COMMAND and DEBUG System Service to CONSOLE.
  4. Add TIME System Service from Device Resources in left pane
  5. Add TC0 by right click on TMR dependency button of TIME System Service.
  6. Set the System Heap Size to 44960. Select the System in the Project Graph. In Configuration Options, set Heap Size (bytes) to 44960.