MPLAB Harmony Bluetooth Help
The function DRV_BM71_Initialize is called by the function SYS_Initialize, in the file system_init.c, to initialize the BM71 Bluetooth driver using constants from the generated system_config.h file.
The function DRV_BM71_Tasks is called from the System Task Service via the function SYS_Tasks in the file system_tasks.c to maintain the driver's internal control and data interface state machine.
One can use the function DRV_BM71_TasksReq to make a power on/power off task request (DRV_BM71_REQ_SYSTEM_OFF or DRV_BM71_REQ_SYSTEM_ON).
The function DRV_BM71_Status returns the BM71 Bluetooth driver status, such as SYS_STATUS_READY, SYS_STATUS_BUSY, or SYS_STATUS_ERROR. The driver should not be opened until it has been marked ready.
// note generic version of call (DRV_BT instead of DRV_BM71) is used if (SYS_STATUS_READY == DRV_BT_Status()) { // This means the driver can be opened using the // DRV_BT_Open() function. }
The BM71-specific function DRV_BM71_GetPowerStatus returns the current power status, e.g. DRV_BM71_STATUS_OFF, DRV_BM71_STATUS_OFF, and DRV_BM71_STATUS_READY. Once it returns a ready status, this means the BM71 driver has completed its internal state machine initialization and can begin processing audio.
case APP_STATE_WAIT_INIT: { // note generic version of call (DRV_BT instead of DRV_BM71) is used if (DRV_BT_STATUS_READY == DRV_BT_GetPowerStatus()) { appData.state=APP_STATE_IDLE; // can start processing audio } }
MPLAB Harmony Bluetooth Help