Drivers Libraries Help > BM71 Bluetooth Driver Library > Using the Library
MPLAB Harmony Bluetooth Help
Using the Library

Interface Header File: drv_bm71.h 

The interface to the BM71 Bluetooth Driver library is defined in the drv_bm71.h header file. Any C language source (.c) file that uses the BM71 Bluetooth Driver library should include this header. 

Please refer to the What is MPLAB Harmony section for how the driver interacts with the framework. 

Library Source Files: 

The BM71 Bluetooth Driver Library source files are provided in the bt\driver\BM71\src directory. This folder may contain optional files and alternate implementations. Please refer to Configuring the Library for instructions on how to select optional features. and to Building the Library for instructions on how to build the library.

This library provides a low-level abstraction of the BM71 Bluetooth Driver Library on the Microchip family microcontrollers with a convenient C language interface. This topic describes how that abstraction is modeled in software and introduces the library's interface. 
Refer to the Driver Library Overview section for information on how the driver operates in a system.
The BM71 Bluetooth Driver Library provides an API interface to transfer control commands and digital audio data to the serially interfaced BM71 Bluetooth module. The library interface routines are divided into various sub-sections, which address one of the blocks or the overall operation of the BM71 Bluetooth Driver Library.  
Provides information on how the library works.