SPI Bootloader linker configurations for CORTEX-M based MCUs

Linker configurations for SPI Bootloader

  • Bootloader library uses a custom linker script which is generated through MCC

  • The values populated in the linker script are based on the Bootloader component MCC configurations

  • Bootloader is configured to run from RAM to allow updating the bootloader firmware as well.

  • Note: The below sections provides overview of changes done to bootloader linker scripts when compared to default linker script. The <bootloader_start> address and <bootloader_length> may vary based on the specific device used

#define ROM_START <bootloader_start>

/* Bootloader size is calculated with below criteria with optimization level -O2
 * bootloader size = Minimum Flash Erase Size Or actual bootloader ELF size
                     (Rounded of to nearest erase boundary) whichever is
#define ROM_SIZE  <bootloader_length>

/* Bootloader Trigger pattern needs to be stored in starting <trigger_len> Bytes
 * of Ram by the application if it wants to run bootloader at startup without any
 * external trigger.
 * Example:
 *     ram[0] = 0x5048434D;
 *     ram[1] = 0x5048434D;
 *     ....
 *     ram[n] = 0x5048434D;
#define RAM_START (<ram_start> + <trigger_len>)

#define RAM_SIZE  (<ram_length> - trigger_len)


Refer the below linker script changes if the RAM pattern based bootloader trigger is disabled in MCC

     * Configure to place the vector table in Flash but to be run from RAM
    .vectors :
        _sfixed = .;   /* RAM address where the vector table from flash will be copied. This will be used by C startup code to copy vector table into RAM*/
        KEEP(*(.vectors .vectors.*))
    } > ram AT > rom
    _vectors_loadaddr = LOADADDR(.vectors);     /* Start address of vector table in flash. This will be used by C startup code to copy vector table into RAM */

    .text :     /* The startup code is linked to run from the ROM (flash) memory */
        . = ALIGN(4);
        . = ALIGN(4);
        _efixed = .;            /* End of text section */
    } > rom


    . = ALIGN(4);
    _etext = .;     /* Starting address in flash from where the bootloader code will be copied into RAM by the C startup code */

    /* Locate text/rodata in special data section to be copied to RAM
       in startup sequence. */
    .data :
        . = ALIGN(4);
        __data_start__ = .;
        _sdata = .;     /* Starting address in RAM where the bootloader code will be copied by the C startup code*/
        . = ALIGN(4);
        __data_end__ = .;
        _edata = .;     /* End address in RAM after the bootloader code is copied */
    } > ram AT > rom


Refer the below linker script changes if the RAM pattern based bootloader trigger is enabled in MCC

     * Configure to place the vector table in Flash but to be run from RAM. 
     * When RAM pattern based trigger is enabled, first few bytes in RAM are reserved for the pattern. As a result, an offset of 1024 bytes is addded from the * start location of RAM to satisfy the alignment needs of vector table in Cortex M based MCUs. For example, if the RAM start address is 0x2000000 and the * trigger length is set to 16 bytes, then the RAM_START macro will be set to 0x2000016, and the vector table will be copied from RAM_START - <trigger_len> * + 0x400 which evaluates to 0x2000016 - 16 + 0x400 = 0x2000400.
    .vectors RAM_START - <trigger_len> + 0x400: 
        _sfixed = .;   /* RAM address where the vector table from flash will be copied. This will be used by C startup code to copy vector table into RAM*/
        KEEP(*(.vectors .vectors.*))
    } > ram AT > rom
    _vectors_loadaddr = LOADADDR(.vectors);     /* Start address of vector table in flash. This will be used by C startup code to copy vector table into RAM */

    .text :     /* The startup code is linked to run from the ROM (flash) memory */
        . = ALIGN(4);
        . = ALIGN(4);
        _efixed = .;            /* End of text section */
    } > rom


    . = ALIGN(4);
    _etext = .;     /* Starting address in flash from where the bootloader code will be copied into RAM by the C startup code */

    /* Locate text/rodata in special data section to be copied to RAM
       in startup sequence. */
    .data :
        . = ALIGN(4);
        __data_start__ = .;
        _sdata = .;     /* Starting address in RAM where the bootloader code will be copied by the C startup code*/
        . = ALIGN(4);
        __data_end__ = .;
        _edata = .;     /* End address in RAM after the bootloader code is copied */
    } > ram AT > rom


Custom startup file for UART, I2C and CAN Bootloaders

  • To reduce the size of the binary these bootloaders make use of custom startup file which is generated by MCC

  • The startup code copies .vector section from Flash to RAM and relocates the vector table to RAM by updating the VTOR register

  • The startup file also copies the entire bootloader code placed in .data section above from flash to RAM as it is built to run from RAM

/* Declaration of Reset handler (may be custom) */
/* Initialize segments */
extern uint32_t _sfixed;
extern void _ram_end_(void);

extern int main(void);

 * \brief This is the code that gets called on processor reset.
 * To initialize the device, and call the main() routine.

/* Linker-defined symbols for data initialization. */
extern uint32_t _sdata, _edata, _etext;
extern uint32_t _sbss, _ebss;
extern uint32_t _vectors_loadaddr;

void __attribute__((noinline, section(".romfunc.Reset_Handler"))) Reset_Handler(void)

    uint32_t *pSrc, *pDst;

    uint32_t i;
    pSrc = (uint32_t *) &_vectors_loadaddr; /* flash address */
    pDst = (uint32_t *) &_sfixed;

    /* Copy .vectors section from flash to RAM */
    for (i = 0; i < sizeof(H3DeviceVectors)/4; i++)
        *pDst++ = *pSrc++;

    pSrc = (uint32_t *) &_etext; /* flash functions start after .text */
    pDst = (uint32_t *) &_sdata;  /* boundaries of .data area to init */

    /* Init .data */
    while (pDst < &_edata)
        *pDst++ = *pSrc++;

    /* Init .bss */
    pDst = &_sbss;
    while (pDst < &_ebss)
      *pDst++ = 0;

#if defined (__VTOR_PRESENT) && (__VTOR_PRESENT == 1U)
    /*  Set the vector-table base address in RAM */
    pSrc = (uint32_t *) & _sfixed;
    SCB->VTOR = ((uint32_t) pSrc & SCB_VTOR_TBLOFF_Msk);
#endif /* #if defined (__VTOR_PRESENT) && (__VTOR_PRESENT == 1U) */

     /* Branch to application's main function */

#if (defined(__DEBUG) || defined(__DEBUG_D)) && defined(__XC32)

MPLAB X Setting for SPI Bootloader

  • Below MPLAB X option is enabled by MCC for these bootloaders to remove the XC32 crt0 startup code

  • By disabling this crt0 startup code the size is further reduced as it removes the default initialization code by XC32.
