MPU Bootloader memory layout

MPU Bootloader persistent storage layout

For SD/eMMC media

  • The SD/eMMC media uses FAT-FS file system to store the Bootloader, Application and AT91bootstrap images.

For NAND/Serial Flash media

The placement of the AT91bootstrap, Bootloader and the application in flash memory should be such that the application will not overwrite the Bootloader/AT91bootstrap, and the Bootloader can properly program the application when it is downloaded.

  • The application code can be placed anywhere after the bootloader end address. The application start address should be aligned to Erase Unit Size of the device

  • As the Bootloader code requires the application start address to be mentioned at compile time, it should match in both the application and bootloader

  • The size of application image stores into Metadata region (address : 0x00180000) in the Flash memory


MPU Bootloader execution memory layout

  • The following table shows Bootloader and Application start address in DDR memory for all MPU devices


For example, SAMA5D2 DDR execution memory layout is shown in the diagram as below
