Thread CoAP Component Configuration

The Thread CoAP MCC component configuration facilitates the user to choose the Thread Device Role (FTD/MTD) and the CoAP Device Role (Server/Client). The chosen device role through the CoAP MCC component will be reflected in the Thread stack configuration, subsequently updating the specific configurations related to the selected device role in the Thread Stack Configuration options. These options in Thread Stack Configuration options will be disabled once CoAP MCC component is selected. The default setting for the device role in the Thread CoAP Service is FTD.

This section will guide the user to configure CoAP on both FTDs and MTDs. The image below illustrates the CoAP configuration based on the selected device role and its corresponding options. A maximum of 5 resources can be created with this release CoAP service. The resources can be created and configured on both Client and Server of both FTD and MTD device types.
Figure 10-1. Thread CoAP MCC Component Configuration Options
The Thread Device Role and sleep configuration selected in the Thread CoAP MCC component configuration corresponds to the device role specified and MTD sleep configuration in the Thread Stack configuration, as shown in the image below.

Configuration of CoAP on FTD

The sleep option is disabled for an FTD. The CoAP device role (i.e. Client/Server) can be can be configured here.

Configuring an FTD as a CoAP Server:

  1. Select the CoAP Device Role as COAP_SERVER.
  2. Default CoAP Port is set as 5,683. It can be changed as per user requirement.
  3. Number of CoAP resources can be increased to a maximum of 5.
  4. Resource Name and Resource URI can be edited and configured as shown below:
Figure 10-2. CoAP Server Configuration on FTD

Configuring an FTD as a CoAP Client:

  1. Select the CoAP Device Role as COAP_CLIENT.
  2. Default CoAP Port is set as 5,683. It can be changed as per user requirement.
  3. Number of CoAP resources can be increased to a maximum of 5.
  4. Resource Name and Resource URI can be edited and configured as shown below:
Figure 10-3. CoAP Client Configuration on FTD

CoAP Confuration on MTD

Configuring an MTD as a CoAP Server:

  1. Select the CoAP Device Role as COAP_SERVER.
  2. Sleep can be enabled by checking the Enable As Sleep End Device option as per requirement. If checked, the user will be prompted to add the RTC MCC Component.
  3. Default CoAP Port is set as 5,683. It can be changed as per user requirement.
  4. Number of CoAP resources can be increased to a maximum of 5.
  5. Resource Name and Resource URI can be edited and configured as shown below:
Figure 10-4. MCC Thread CoAP Configurations options as an MTD Server
Configuring an MTD as a CoAP Client:
  1. Select the CoAP Device Role as COAP_CLIENT.
  2. Sleep can be enabled by checking the Enable As Sleep End Device option as per requirement. If checked, the user will be prompted to add the RTC MCC Component.
  3. Default CoAP Port is set as 5,683. It can be changed as per user requirement.
  4. Number of CoAP resources can be increased to a maximum of 5.
  5. Resource Name and Resource URI can be edited and configured as shown below:
Figure 10-5. MCC Thread CoAP Configurations options as an MTD Client