Protocol Exchange

The communication protocol exchange between mobile app (BLE central) and WBZ451 module (BLE peripheral) is explained here.

1. BLE Sensor Data in Advertising Beacon:

  • Advertisement Data:

    • Service UUID: 16-bit Service UUID, 0xFEDA is purchased by Microchip from Bluetooth SIG.

    • BLE Sensor data: 0x40+Light ON/Off status (1 Byte)+ 0x41+Temperature data (2 bytes)

  • Scan Response Data:

    • The device name is part of the scan response. Device name is set as "BLE_SENSOR_XXXX” (XXXX means the last two bytes of the device address).

2. Transparent Profile and Service (TRP/TRS):

Transparent Profile and Service (TRP/TRS) is the proprietary BLE service by microchip to establish data and control channel between BLE Central (Phone) and Peripheral (device).

  • Transparent Profile (TRP) enables higher layer application to control and allow data exchange between TRP Client and Server devices

  • Transparent Service (TRS) includes both Ctrl and Data Pipes which are custom 128-bit GATT characteristics.

    • The Transparent Server shall be a GATT Server

    • The Transparent Client shall be a GATT Client

      Definition of Transparent Service and Characteristics UUID's

      Characteristic NameUUIDProperties
      TRS Service49535343-FE7D-4AE5-8FA9-9FAFD205E455
      TRS TxD- Tx Data to Client role (Data pipe)49535343-1E4D-4BD9-BA61-23C647249616Notify, Write
      TRS TxD - Client Characteristic Configuration DescriptorRead, Write
      TRS RxD- Rx Data from Client role (Data pipe)49535343-8841-43F4-A8D4-ECBE34729BB3Write, Write without response
      TRS Ctrl Pt - Command and Response (Ctrl pipe)49535343-4C8A-39B3-2F49-511CFF073B7ENotify, Write, Write without response
      TRS Ctrl Pt - Client Characteristic Configuration descriptorRead, Write

3. BLE Sensor Application over Transparent Service Control Point (TRS Ctrl Pt):

BLE Sensor application uses TRS Control Point Characteristic of TRPS profile to exchange data between mobile phone and device.

The BLE Sensor application follows the following protocol format on TRS control point characteristic.

Item Opcode Length Sensor/Control ID Payload
Size 1 Byte 1 Byte 1 Byte Variable

The description of each element is as below:

- The Opcode: (0x8A) is fixed 1 byte in size and related to BLE Sensor/Control commands.
- Length: 1 byte in size (size of Sensor/Control ID + size of Payload)
- The Sensor/Control ID: 1 byte in size. It could be divided into Control request, Control response, Sensor notify data described in detail in following sections.
- The Sensor/control data and payload size depends on the Sensor/Control ID as listed in the below table.

BLE Sensor Application Control and Sensor Command/Response

Control Cmd Opcode Control Request ID Parameter Parameter Length (Byte) Control Response ID Control Response Payload Control Response Payload Length (Byte) Description
RGB LED On/Off Set 0x8A 0x10 On/Off 1 0x20 Status code 1 Switch On/Off the RGB LED with the default/last set color
RGB LED On/Off Get 0x8A 0x11 0x21 Status code + On/Off status 2 Send the RGB LED on/off status
RGB Color Set 0x8A 0x12 Color value (HSV) 3 0x22 Status code 1 Set RGB color value in HSV format
RGB Color Get 0x8A 0x13 0x23 Status code + RGB color value 4 Send RGB color value in HSV format
RGB Color Wheel Disable Get 0x8A 0x14 0x24 Status code + RGB color wheel disable 2 Send when RGB color wheel to be disabled. 0x01 → color wheel disabled
Sensor Data Sensor ID Parameter Parameter Length (Byte) Description
RGB LED On/Off status 0x8A 0x40 On/Off status 1 RGB LED On/Off Status
Temperature data 0x8A 0x41 Temperature sensor data 2 Temperature value in Celsius with 0.1 resolution. The MSB bit will be set when the negative temperature is reported
RGB LED Color data 0x8A 0x42 RGB LED color data 3 RGB color value

Control Command Request and Response

The Control command request is used by mobile app to send the command to device. The control request channel is opened only after Client Characteristic Configuration Descriptor of TRS Ctrl Pt Characteristic notification is enabled; it is closed when such notification is disabled.

The format of Control command is an 8bit Opcode, an 8bit request ID followed by optional control payload.

Format of Control Command

Item Op Code Length Control Request ID Control Payload
Size (Octet) 1 1 1 Variable

The control response is used by the device to send feedback to mobile app. The format of Response is an 8bit Opcode, an 8bit response ID and response status followed by optional Response payload.

Format of Control Response Data

Item Op Code Length Control Response ID Status Control Response Payload
Size (Octet) 1 1 1 1 Variable

Status code 0x00 means successful execution of control command. Any status code other than 0x00 means error code, as shown in below Table. An error status does not have optional control Response payload.

Definition of Status Code

Status Code Definition Description
0x00 Success Response for successful operation
0x01 Op Code Not Supported Response if unsupported Op Code is received
0x02 Invalid Parameter Response if Parameter received does not meet the requirements of the service.
0x03 Operation Fail Response for fail operation
0x04-0xFF Reserved for Future use

Sensor Notify Data

The Sensor data is sent to mobile app periodically by WBZ451 device. The sensor data channel is opened only after Client Characteristic Configuration Descriptor of TRS Ctrl Pt notification is enabled; it is closed when such notification is disabled.

The format of sensor data is an 8bit Opcode, an 8bit Sensor ID followed by sensor data payload.

Format of Sensor Data

Item Op Code Length Sensor ID Sensor Payload
Size (Octet) 1 1 1 Variable