USB_DEVICE_Initialize Function


    const SYS_MODULE_INDEX instanceIndex, 
    const SYS_MODULE_INIT * const init


This function initializes an instance of USB device layer, making it ready for clients to open and use it. The number of instances is limited by the value of macro USB_DEVICE_MAX_INSTANCES defined in system_config.h file.




Parameters Description
instanceIndex In case of microcontrollers with multiple USB peripherals, user can create multiple instances of USB device layer. Parameter instanceIndex identifies this instance.
init Pointer to a data structure containing any data necessary to initialize the USB device layer.


If successful, returns a valid handle to a device layer object. Otherwise, it returns SYS_MODULE_OBJ_INVALID.


// This code example shows the initialization of the 
// the USB Device Layer. Note how an endpoint table is
// created and assigned. 

USB_DEVICE_INIT deviceLayerInit;
SYS_MODULE_OBJ usbDeviceObj;
uint8_t __attribute__((aligned(512))) endpointTable[USB_DEVICE_ENDPOINT_TABLE_SIZE]; 

// System module initialization
deviceLayerInit.moduleInit.value = SYS_MODULE_POWER_RUN_FULL;

// Identifies peripheral (PLIB-level) ID
deviceLayerInit.usbID = USB_ID_1;

// Boolean flag: true -> Stop USB module in Idle Mode
deviceLayerInit.stopInIdle = false;

// Boolean flag: true -> Suspend USB in Sleep Mode
deviceLayerInit.suspendInSleep = false;

// Interrupt Source for USB module
deviceLayerInit.interruptSource = INT_SOURCE_USB_1;

// Number of function drivers registered to this instance of the
// USB device layer 
deviceLayerInit.registeredFuncCount = 1;

// Function driver table registered to this instance of the USB device layer
deviceLayerInit.registeredFunctions = funcRegistrationTable;

// Pointer to USB Descriptor structure 
deviceLayerInit.usbMasterDescriptor   = &usbMasterDescriptor;

// Pointer to an endpoint table.
deviceLayerInit.endpointTable = endpointTable;

// USB device initialization
usbDeviceObj = USB_DEVICE_Initialize(USB_DEVICE_INDEX_0, &deviceLayerInit);
if (SYS_MODULE_OBJ_INVALID == usbDeviceObj)
    // Handle error


This routine must be called before any other USB Device Layer routine is called and after the initialization of USB Device Driver. This routine should only be called once during system initialization.
