USB Libraries Help > USB Host Libraries > USB MSD Host Client Driver Library > Library Interface > b) Data Types and Constants > USB_HOST_MSD_TRANSFER_CALLBACK Type
MPLAB Harmony USB Stack

USB HOST MSD Transfer Complete Callback 

This type defines the type of the callback function that the application must register in the USB_HOST_MSD_Transfer function to receive notification when a transfer has completed. The callback function will be called with the following parameters. 

lunHandle - The handle to the LUN from where this notification originated. 

transferHandle - the handle to the MSD transfer. 

result - result of the transfer. 

size - of the transfer. 

context - context that specified when this transfer was scheduled.

typedef void (* USB_HOST_MSD_TRANSFER_CALLBACK)(USB_HOST_MSD_LUN_HANDLE lunHandle, USB_HOST_MSD_TRANSFER_HANDLE transferHandle, USB_HOST_MSD_RESULT result, size_t size, uintptr_t context);
