USB Libraries Help > USB Host Libraries > USB Audio v1.0 Host Client Driver Library > Configuring the Library > USB_HOST_AUDIO_V1_STREAMING_INTERFACES_NUMBER Macro
MPLAB Harmony USB Stack

USB Host Audio v1.0 Streaming Interfaces Number 

This configuration constant defines maximum number of streaming interfaces could be present in an Audio v1.0 device that this Audio v1.0 Host Client Driver can support. The value of this constant should be atleast 1. 

Example 1 - If the USB Audio v1.0 Host application must support a USB Headset, this constant should be set 2 as an Audio Headset will have atleast 2 Audio Streaming interfaces, one for Host to Device streaming and one for Device to Host streaming. 

Example 2 - If the USB Audio v1.0 Hos t application must support a USB Speaker, this constant should be set 1 as an Audio Speaker will have atleast 1 Audio Streaming interface.


Supporting multiple streaming interfaces requires more data memory and processing time.