USB Libraries Help > USB Host Libraries > USB Audio v1.0 Host Client Driver Library > Library Interface > d) Data Types and Constants > USB_HOST_AUDIO_V1_0_ATTACH_EVENT_HANDLER Type
MPLAB Harmony USB Stack

USB Host Audio v1.0 Client Driver Attach Event Handler Function Pointer Type. 

This data type defines the required function signature of the USB Host Audio v1.0 Client Driver attach event handling callback function. The application must register a pointer to a Audio v1.0 Client Driver attach events handling function whose function signature (parameter and return value types) match the types specified by this function pointer in order to receive attach and detach events call backs from the Audio v1.0 Client Driver. The client driver will invoke this function with event relevant parameters. The descriptions of the event handler function parameters are as follows:

  • audioObj - Handle of the client to which this event is directed
  • event - Event indicates if it is an attach or detach
  • context - Value identifying the context of the application that was registered with the event handling function
typedef void (* USB_HOST_AUDIO_V1_0_ATTACH_EVENT_HANDLER)(USB_HOST_AUDIO_V1_0_OBJ audioObj, USB_HOST_AUDIO_V1_0_EVENT event, uintptr_t context);
