USB Libraries Help > USB Device Libraries > USB Device Layer Library > Files > usb_device_config_template.h
MPLAB Harmony USB Stack

Microchip Technology Inc.

File Name



USB Device Layer Compile Time Options 

This file contains USB device layer compile time options (macros) that are to be configured by the user. This file is a template file and must be used as an example only. This file must not be directly included in the project.

Specifies if the Device Layer should process a Host request for a BOS descriptor. 
Specifies if the USB Controller Driver must be initialized explicitly as opposed to being initialized by the Device Layer. 
Specifies the combined endpoint queue depth in case of a vendor USB device implementation. 
Buffer Size in Bytes for Endpoint 0. 
Number of Device Layer instances to provisioned in the application. 
Specifies if the USB Device stack should support Microsoft OS Descriptor. 
Enables the Device Layer Set Descriptor Event. 
Enables the Device Layer SOF event. 
Specifying this macro enables the Advanced String Descriptor Table Entry Format. 
Enables the Device Layer Synch Frame Event.