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Microchip MPLAB® Harmony 3 MPLAB X plugin Release Notes

MPLAB X plugin Release v3.6.4

New Features

  • Fixed dependency list by removing unnecessary dependencies.


MPLAB X plugin Release v3.6.3

New Features

  • Fixed reconfigure button enable issue in MHC launch dialog.


MPLAB X plugin Release v3.6.2

New Features

  • Fixed file copy issue while creating new project.
  • Changed MPLABX plugin name from MPLAB® Harmony 3 Configurator to MPLAB® Harmony 3 Launcher.
  • Fixed issue in creating new configuration for an existing application.


MPLAB X plugin Release v3.6.1

New Features

  • New project wizard has been modified to generate settings yml files.
  • Harmony Framework path is stored as absoulte if we are unable to relativize it to project location.


MPLAB X plugin Release v3.6.0

New Features

  • Added support to create group project for trustzone enabled projects.
  • Harmony usage statistics is collected and sending it by using MPLABX APIs.
  • Either Secure or NonSecure project of TrustZone projects can be set as Main Project to launch MHC.


MPLAB X plugin Release v3.5.1

New Features

  • Added support to validate the selected remote path with existing framework setup for Content Manager.
  • Added support to avoid launching Content Manager when MHC is active.
  • Fixed issue of launching multiple instances of Content Manager.


MPLAB X plugin Release v3.5.0

New Features

  • Improved new project wizard to match new features coming with MHC v3.4.0.


MPLAB X plugin Release v3.4.2

New Features

  • Changed default user directory to \Harmony3.


Microchip MPLAB® Harmony 3 MPLAB X plugin Release Notes

MPLAB X plugin Release v3.4.1

New Features

  • Fixed Content Manager launch issue through MPLAB X plug in.


MPLAB X plugin Release v3.4.0

New Features

  • Removed deprecated Harmony Downloader.
  • Added Harmony Content Manager.


MPLAB X plugin Release v3.3.1

New Features

  • Bug fixes.


MPLAB X plugin Release v3.3.0.1

New Features

  • Fixes some issues regarding third-party packages and improved package downloads in Download Manager.


MPLAB X plugin Release v3.3.0.0

New Features

  • First release of MPLAB X plugin on GitHub


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