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MCHV3 Development Board

Setting up the hardware

The following table shows the target hardware for the application projects.

Setting up MCHV3 Development Board

  • Mount the ATSAME70 Motor Control Plug In Module on U9 header.

    PIM Install

  • Place the “PFC - External Opamp Configuration” Matrix board at J4.

    External OPAMP

  • Motor Connections:
    • Phase U - M1
    • Phase V - M2
    • Phase W - M3

    Motor Connections

  • Jumper Settings:
    • J11 - VAC ( Short Pin 3 - 4)
    • J12 - IA ( Short Pin 1 - 2)
    • J13 - IB ( Short Pin 1 - 2)
    • J14 - Fault_IP/IBUS ( Short Pin 1 - 2)

    jumper Settings

  • Power the board with (110V/220V) AC mains. For additional safety, it is recommended to use a current limited power supply while testing this software demonstration on a non-default hardware and motor.

    jumper Settings

  • Installing Isolated Embedded Debugger Default programmer or debugger daughter card shipped with the MCHV3 board cannot program or debug SAM series MCU and therefore, it needs to be replaced with an Isolated Embedded Debugger Interface for MCHV.

    Isolated EDBG

  • Complete Setup


Running the Application

  1. Build and Program the application using its IDE
  2. Press switch PUSHBUTTON to start the motor
  3. Vary potentiometer to change the speed of the motor
  4. Press switch to stop the motor
  5. Monitor graphs on X2C Scope

Refer to the following tables for switch and LED details:

Switch Description
PUSHBUTTON To start or stop the motor
LED D2 Status Description
OFF No fault
ON Fault is detected

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