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MPLAB® Harmony Graphics Suite Microchip MPLAB® Harmony 3 Graphics application examples for SAM L22 Family

Harmony 3 Graphics application examples for SAM L22 family v3.10.0

Development kit and demo application support

Following table provides number of peripheral library examples available for different development kits.

Development Kits MPLABx applications
SAM L22 Xplained Pro Evaluation Kit 1

Release v3.10.0

New Features

New features added in this release are as follows:

  • Added MCC configuration to Segmented Quickstart

Release v3.9.0

New Features

New features added in this release are as follows:

  • Added Quickstart application with Segmented LCD Controller support

Known Issues

The current known issues are as follows:

  • None

Development Tools

Dependent Components

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