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Legato Adventure

This application demonstrates parallax and sprite animation capabilities using the graphics library. The application first launches a splash screen highlighting basic motion capability supported by the graphics library then transistions to the main screen.

When running the application, the user can interface with it via capacitive single-fingered touch and swiping gestures. The primary mode is presented in a mobile-game like style. In addition, two other features demonstrated by this application includes the circular gauge widget and the ability to display updating text at a high update rate (showing the score count). The lamb sprite character is animated by rapidly blitting frames of the animation character with slight position changes.

MPLABX Configuration Board Configuration
legato_adv_e70_xu_tm4301_ssd1963.X SAM e70 Evaluation Kit using SSD1963 external graphics controller to drive the High-Performance WQVGA Display Module with maXTouch® Technology
legato_adv_e70_xu_tm5000_ssd1963.X SAM e70 Evaluation Kit using SSD1963 external graphics controller to drive the High-Performance WVGA Display Module with maXTouch® Technology

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